Seems like a holiday, let’s converge!

  • When:12/23/16
  • QIC: Young Love
  • The PAX: gaffer, semigloss, horsehead, bounce, uncle leo, tiger rag, stone cold, joker, smokey, big league chew (R), coldcuts, margo, mermaid, marlin (R), nemo, puddin pop, spackler, yl

Seems like a holiday, let’s converge!

I’ll be honest, when I agreed to cover the Q for this day, I forgot that it was Christmas Eve Eve. You know, that most merry of pseudo holidays that only occurs once every real holiday. To top it off, I was soon to find out that I’d be leading a convergence, bringing the old #Jevlar band back together, and we’d be meeting at 7 am instead of the usual safe time of 0530. Why is 0530 safe you ask? Well…. let’s just say that when monkey humpers are on the menu the less light the better…

18 dudes — average crowd for a Friday, but a huge crowd for a psuedo holiday — were properly disclaimed and still decided to follow me around anyway. Following a theme I came up with on my own (stole from Twitter), we started off with burpees and proceeded to sprinkle them throughout the workout to make sure we got in our full allotment. Workout went something like as follows:

  • 12 burpees, run around the track then 11 more burpees
  • Headfake back toward the track then mosey down and around the backside of the high school, front side of the lower school, through the church, over the river and through the woods till finally on top of the cross did we gather for a COP
  • 10 burpees, SSH, 9 burpees, IW, 8 burpees, merkins, LBC, Squat, etc.
  • Jog on over to the hill. What hill, you ask? Why, the hill we always hit at Kevlar.
  • 7 burpees, 11s on the hill (squats and merkins), 6 burpees, run up hill, 5 burpees, run backwards up hill, 4 burpees, bear crawl up hill, 3 burpees, backwards bear crawl (no, definately not crab walk) up hill.
  • Monkey humpers just because
  • Mosey over to the backside of the middle school. Partner up: P1 holds people’s chair on wall while P2 does 30 dips, flapjack and repeat 3x. Repeat another 3x with derkins. Stay out of the mud and off the very newly poured concrete every time.
  • Mosey back to the track. 2 burpees.
  • Line up, shoulder-to-shoulder, headfake to tunnel of love, and turn instead to partner old school setups. Yes, the “interlink your arms and we all do them together style”. Relive your bad GoRuck memories if you have them…
  • Mosey back to the pavement, 1 burpee
  • Eternal Flame/Merkin Wave (no comment as to who one that round)
  • COT/Finis


  • Evident that the holiday season was upon us. 1st F was decent (if I do say so myself), and it was structured so as to allow for ample 2ndF (and as much modification as one wanted, or didn’t want as the case may be, to do).
  • Nice to see Mermaid and Margo travel down 51 to visit us for a double-down. Strong work, my friends!
  • Some folks may have gone for a prerun. Other folks might have done a pre-KB, then a prerun. Maybe…
  • No announcements. None. Nada.
  • As always, a privilege to Q. Thank you whoever threw that one my way…

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Young Love author

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