6 of us for some rock-n-roll and some heavy lifting. 515, YHC rolls up to a new AO, first visit, not even sure where the normal guys park. Set up all the gear and park near the school; not even close to were the cars start pulling in. So, what’s a guy to do.. the gear’s already set up, everything in place, so YHC begins the the walk up the hill (no KB in hand, as they are all at the gear stations) and starts shaking hands. First, Chin Music, then Freedom, Fault Line .etc Finally, a familiar face, Alf, and then Turkey Leg. Turkey Leg see’s no bell in YHC’s hands… “you know this is a KB/Gear workout, right?”. Let’s see what happens next. Hint: I knew it was a gear workout.
Walk (#0.0) down to the school side walk, with the bells. The fact that gear stations had already been set up slowly dawns on each man, and each unconsciously let out a grunt of approval, or at least understanding (Hmm, …ah, ah, hmm, err <- the err was Turkey Leg). YHC explains the stations and gets the rock music cranking (Voodoo would be proud). 35 seconds of max effort at each station, 10 seconds of move to the next. Boiled down to YHC saying SWITCH!!! alot.
Circle Up for 20 merkins. And Done.
Solid job today from the Meathead PAX. There were a few modifications by some,
but by and large performed most of the heavier things as RXed. Kudos guys. It’s
never easy to mix heavy and fast. If it wasn’t for a hectic schedule the next
3 days, all the solid individual performances would be recounted for you here in
great detail. Perhaps you PAX can add some commentary to the bottom as time has
run out for this blast.
High Tide and Brown, thanks for the oppo at a new gear site. Plan a KB field trip
to Foxhole soon.
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