“Y”, The Chemical Toilet musta’ been full.

  • When:12/16/16
  • QIC: The Late Show
  • The PAX: Countertop, The Count, Shep, Hoodie, Madison, Lamont, Hoffa, Bernanke, The Late Show

“Y”, The Chemical Toilet musta’ been full.

9 men posted this morning at #F3Overdrive.  With the sound of diesel engines running in the background we got to work.  Slow mosey around to the backyard to check on our cinderblock supply.  With the supply non-existent we cruised around to the rock pile to get a rock for those in need of something heavy to lift.  Back around to the covered area for some work, switching off rocks 1/2 way back.

The Deal:

After something that looked like the 3 stooges trying to figure out how to change a tire we finally settled into a routine.  Mea Culpa.  Q’ing a gear workout for a crowd is still a new thing for me.

5×5 with your rock/kettlebell for 5-ish rounds. (kudos Madison for the idea to swap kb/rocks after each round.)

(5) goblet squats

(5) Overhead press

(5) Romanian Deadlift with row at the bottom of the lift.

(5) lunges (each leg b/c Madison likes symmetry)

(5) pushups with your partner helping to stabilize the rock/kb b/t your shoulder blades.

then to the wall to sit and rest.

Mosey with the rocks and kb’s to the non-existent pile of cinderblocks and circle up.

The thunk of a kb hitting the ground after the work is done is a satisfying sound, so big circle up and  squat down, grab your kb, lift up and over your head and let that kb fly.  (5) or (10) oyo, I forget how many.

Mosey to the rock pile and repeat our 5×5 for one more round.  Mosey back to the front for some group led Mary.


Solid work by everyone this morning. Thanks for sticking with me as I work through the flow of 0.0 for a group.

Countertop:  The beard is style, you look distinguished. I wonder if Santa will leave a bottle of Just For Men in your stocking?  Count: Your internal thermostat must be cranked. Short sleeves? Wow.  Shep:  Mary in the grass.  You are welcome.  Hoodie:  After your 25 dolly’s I was regretting relinquishing the Q.  Good job.  Madison:  Get a heavier kb you beast.  That 45# isn’t gonna cut for you much longer.  Lamont:  Welcome to the internets.  Tweet on brother.  Hoffa:  Temperature less than freezing always =’s a good time to wear pants to an F3 workout….. Actually, you should probably always wear pants, or at least shorts.  Whatever you do don’t just wear tights.  Unless you are a superhero.  Then you can wear tights.  Bernanke:  Nice hustle!  Good to see you, I haven’t been able to make other workouts and have missed seeing you in the gloom.

Announcements:  Joe Davis Run coming up.  F3Outland tomorrow at 7 with coffeteria at 8.

Thanks Shep for taking us out with prayer.

Homework:  Contact Glass Joe with the following message:  “Y” , and work on your mobility.  Cold weather shrinks up all your muscles, not just the one connected to your Y chromosome.  Tight muscles = potential for injury.


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The Late Show author

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Hair Band
7 years ago

Awesome stuff and hate I missed it. I was planning to be there until I realized I was in for a ruff night with my dog that just had surgery yesterday. #SeeWhatIDidThere

But, unlike a certain bald & bearded #Fartsacking #Hate that mocked me, I voiced my intended #SmartSack to the Q.

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