Bah Humbug

  • When:12/15/16
  • QIC: Marge
  • The PAX: Semi Gloss, Hairball, Good Hands, Floor Slapper, Arena, Deep Dish, One Eye, Puddin Pop, Iron Horse, Daisy, Marge (QIC)

Bah Humbug

Posted on behalf of Marge…

With a Twitter warning that Hydra pax would be helping me celebrate my two-year F3 Anniversary by helping me re-live my very first F3 workout, 10 men showed up anyway to join me in an adventure to see if we could capture the Christmas spirit in Olde Providence and Stonecroft…

Here’s what we did…

Lap around the parking lot to start getting the blood flowing then mosey to the field behind the school.
SSH IC x 20
IW IC x 20
LSS IC x 20

Instructions were given that we were heading out into Olde Providence neighborhood to look for some Christmas decorations.
10 merkins for each house with Christmas lights on.
10 LBCs (I know I called them situps) for every house with decorations (namely wreaths).
5 burpees for every house with inflatables, nativity scenes, reindeer statues or old Ford Trucks decked out in Christmas lights with an inflatable Santa on top.

We made our through Olde Providence, then Stonecroft Park (I think that’s the name), down Rea Rd to the insanely decorated house on Sherwood Forest, then back through OP via Abbottswood, Brynwood and Wessynton.

Mosey to the church for some rock work.  Find a nice lifting rock and do 2 sets of 20 curls, 20 overhead presses, 20 tricep extensions and 20 dips.

Mosey to the back of the school for 2 rounds of wall sits with 50 arm raises.


Great work today by the Pax.  Thanks to Daisy for coming to join us.  It was good to see you, brother.

By my count, we had to do at least 200 Merkins, 200 LBCs and 25 or so burpees.  My arms are smoked.  We also got approximately 2.5 miles of running in.  

Two years ago this week, Hairball dragged me out to my first F3 workout at Olde Providence/Hydra. It’s been a great two years and I look forward to many more.

 Thanks to Cheese Curd for letting me rip off his Christmas-themed workout idea.  Hope everyone got a great dose of Christmas spirit this morning.

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Good Hands author

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8 years ago

I remember that workout 2 years ago. I think that was the time Cheese Curd called Puddin’ Pop, “Joel” and the whole mystique of F3 came crashing down. Suddenly, I was just laying in the middle of a neighborhood street, doing situps with a bunch of guys. Weird.

Sorry I missed this one. It’s good to have you in the PAX, Marge.

Cheese Curd
8 years ago

Sorry to miss this one! If that did not get you in the holiday spirit, nothing will. Glad you brought this one back…congratulations Marge on your anniversary!!

Gummy, is that why you barely post anymore, lack of mystique?? Kinda like when you found out about Santa and the Easter bunny….

Reply to  Cheese Curd
8 years ago


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