Snow Mizer Was Here!!

  • When:12/10/16
  • QIC: Slim Fast
  • The PAX: Pele, Big League Chew, Normandy, Sony, Sonoma, Moon River, Upstate, Goon, Jet Fuel, Heisenberg, Drano, Mall Cop, Dumpster Fire, Slim Fast

Snow Mizer Was Here!!

Ok… so it wasn’t quite THAT bad… but man was it cold!  And those that know YHC know that cold ain’t my favorite thing!  So the goal today was to KEEP MOVING!

14 PAX showed up with a similar mindset… having disclaimed, off we went!

The Thang:

Mosey to the glacier-covered practice field for some quick COP:

  1. SSH x 20
  2. IW x 20
  3. Low Slow Squat x 20
  4. Mountain Climbers x 15

Then began the nomadic wandering around the AO.  Without going through each stop, we made around 11 stops.  At each stop we completed 10 Merkins (110 Total), 20 Squats (220 Total) and 30 LBC’s (330 Total).

Then sprinkled throughout were the following:

  1. Step-ups x 20 (10 Each leg) x 4
  2. Dips x 15/20
  3. Dolly’s x 15
  4. Flutters x 15
  5. Rosalitas x 15
  6. Pull-ups x 5 x 2
  7. Incline Merkins x 20


  1. 3-line touches, then sprint to the end… rinse and repeat coming back
  2. 3-line touches, then backwards sprint to the end… rinse and repeat coming back
  3. 3-line touches, then lunge walk to the end… rinse and repeat coming back

Finished up with people’s chair for 1-minute.

DONE!  We covered 2.25 miles over the AO.


It was great to see everyone… it has been TOO long since YHC has posted at Ascent/Olympus.  At least Mall Cop didn’t have to be alone this week!

“Quiet please” t-claps to Dumpster Fire for making it to Ascent after his 2 Christmas parties on Friday!  Apparently they were going to get pretty crazy!!

Also great to have Mall Cop out after being out for several weeks.  I hope the recovery continues to go well!

Same for Pele… I know he is returning from recovery after BRR and some extensive travel.  Not sure who the jerk is that roped him into that… but when I get my hands on him… man, is he going to be sorry!

1.  Joe Davis Run 1/7… get registered today!  No Ascent/Olympus that Saturday.
2.  Time to start thinking about BRR teams… reach out to Slim Fast if you are interested!
3.  Ascent will be open 12/24 and 1/31… Get your shopping finished before then!

Pele took us out in a great prayer.  You guys are awesome!   Thanks for letting me be the leader today!  It is an honor!

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Slim Fast author

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Cheese Curd
Cheese Curd
7 years ago

Sound like a good one Slim Fast…if you need any muscles, I would like to slap that guy who is always trying to make me sign up of running events and then on Sundays, trying to stretch my runs to cover a few more miles:)

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