Is it me or our disclaimers sounding more and more like we are trying to coax the M into something iniquitous in the boudoir? “Honey, I’m not a professional, but I want you to try some stuff. It’s just a suggestion; I won’t make you do it. But, I want you to push yourself.” Weird, right?
13 men departed the Vine parking lot. How is that I have never heard of anyone eating there and there’s a delivery truck every morning. You didn’t hear from me, but it’s definitely a cosa nostra deal going on.
As I was saying, we left the Vine ran to the first lower level of the Ballantyne Village Parking Deck. Circled up for a little SSH (15 times) and the instructions were given. They were given like 3 times because no one listens. Here it is again.
Exit the deck by running/bear crawl up the grass hill
Run around the deck to the front entrance and ascend to very top
10 burpees
Run down, then up the stairs whilst farting as much as possible (or so it would seem)
Run back down the deck
Repeat AMRAP
We finished up with a merkin wave (1 – 5) at the bottom of the deck and Mary at the launch site.
This is the time of year when PAX just don’t know how to dress. Madam T was wearing a snowsuit and Cheese Churd was sleeveless. Check the weather bros.
If I were to poll 100 people and asked them is it better to fart in a stairwell that you spend a significant amount of time or in the open air, I’m willing to bet at least 87 would say outside. The other 13 PAX, who all happened to attend today’s workout, chose the latter.
Thin Mint ran so much today, he wore out his shoes. Remember, he’s hurt.
Soft Pretzel seemed to be alone most of his run, I wasn’t sure if he was really far ahead or behind me.
MT, Bean and Frehley giggled like school girls the whole time.
MT’s Outback impression slayed and ended the workout. It’s spot on.
Don’t be that guy who gets super drunk and close talks to all the Ms tonight.
Also, don’t get drunk and drive your car. Be safe.
You can bring toys and other donations for OST to the party.
Raffle tix will be on sale, too. Proceeds to OST.
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