Not paying much attention to the weather, I suited up this morning with the warmest baselayer I could find, packed up the Bluetooth speaker and rolled up to ELE. Most of the regulars were already ready and limbering up when I started unpacking the Bells and Music. SoulGlow rolled in as 5:30 struck and following a thorough disclaimer, we got right to it.
SSH x 20 IC – 10 swings
Stagger Merkin x 10 Lft – 20 swings
Stagger Merkin x 10 rt – 30 swings
10 Burpees OYO – 40 Swings
5 Snatch Each Arm – 10 Merk
5 snatch EA/5 Clean EA – 10 Merk
5 Snatch EA/5 Clean EA/5 Presses EA – 10 Merk
5 Snatch EA/5 Clean EA/5 Presses EA/5 High Pull – 10 Merk
5 Snatch EA/5 Clean EA/5 Presses EA – 10 Merk
5 snatch EA/5 Clean EA – 10 Merk
5 Snatch Each Arm – 10 Merk
Core work including Flutters/LBC/English Hip Flexor while waiting on the six
10 Goblet Squats – 10 Merkin
10 Goblet Squats/10 Good Morning – 10 Merkin
10 Goblet Squats/10 Good Morning/10 Thrusters – 10 Merkin
10 Goblet Squats/10 Good Morning – 10 Merkin
10 Goblet Squats – 10 Merkin
Core work including Flutters/LBC/English Hip Flexors while waiting on the six
Partner up for doubles 7 reps x 3 rds x 3 exercises
Double Swings x7 x3
Double Cleans x7 x3
High Pulls x7 x3
Flutter press x25 IC
Lbc x 25 IC
50 swings OYO
Time is UP. COT
Holiday party – Friday Night (bring unwrapped toys or hygiene products for Operation Sweet Tooth)
Joe Davis Run
Be on the lookout for F3 Flag Football (coming in January)
Several of us were way overdressed for the 65 degrees that awaited us this morning. As the layers of exercises mounted, the pax began removing layers YHC included. Hightide got a prerun in this morning and commented that today’s KB routine was not MAF Freindly. Tried to keep the heart rate up from the warmup, hopefully it was mission accomplished. Time flew by out there with the tunes and commercials keeping the pax cranking through the work. Alf was apparently taking short arm advantage on the first set of Layers, blasting through the exercises at a rabid pace. Strong work all around by the guys, the shoulder presses (3rd layer) provided most difficult for YHC as fatigue started to set in pretty early. You can thank Witch Doctor for the many swings in today’s warmup – picked that one up from his Skunkworks Q earlier this week. A keepeer that you will feel for a few days.
Can’t go wrong with a few sets of doubles once sufficiently warm. Kind of like Icing on a layered cake. Couple of colorful comments and visuals from Brown – woudln’t be meathead with out it! If I missed anything – please post up in the comments. Thanks for letting me lead – always a pleasure.
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