7 brave souls headed into the gloom this surprisingly warm winter morning.
The warm up:
20 X SSH
20 X IW
15 X squats
10 X Merkins
The Thang:
Mosey to the fountains and partner up
Round 1
100 Merkins between the partners then run in opposite directions around the buildings meet at the other side and do 10 hand slap merkins. Then run back around to starting point
Round 2
200 squats between partners run to opposite side and do 20 burpees
Round 3
100 Dips 20 hand slap merkins
Round 4
100 step ups 20 burpees
Round 5
100 CDD 10 hand slap merkins
I forgot we had a couple shoulder injuries
Mosey to the lawn in front of fountains
Some Mary Break
30 X LBC
20 X bicycle
Time for everyone’s favorite Mr. Jack Webb with a twist
1 merkin 4 air presses, bear crawl 20 yards, 2 merkins 8 air presses
Continue until 6 merkins and 24 air presses with bear crawl in-between each round
A little more Mary
20 X Rosalita
10 X Lemon Squeezers
Mosey back over to shopping center
Two rounds of peoples chair abruptly stopped see moleskin
Mosey back to launch point
Great job everyone sorry it was probably a little moderate. I hope everyone’s shoulders get better, it looked like only a few could do CDD. Q fail! Cheddar ended up bloody after this workout he fell on one of the runs. New shoes he cited. Probably just trying to make Mr. Bean feel better after he tripped him and broke his arm. Frehley’s pulled off a feat I have never seen before in a workout. He got everyone, even the Q to stop an exercise immediately. During the last round of peoples chair he pooped himself. Everyone stopped and ran off. I am not even mad at you just impressed at the level you took it too stopping the exercise. Goonie and Heart Breaker were leading the way in the early rounds. I also found out that during their beer mile challenge. Goonie has set the record for the fastest mile while drinking Blue Moon or pretty close to it. I guess they have times for every type of beer. No light beers allowed though. Loogie it was good to see you out there take it slow with that shoulder recovery. Commish and Cheddar thank you for letting me Q always an honor. On another note be sure to congratulate Cheese Curd on his promotion in the F3 ranks to twitter troll. As he keeps saying I don’t post back blast every time I Q but I never see him at the workouts.
Joe Davis Run
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