In the balmy Cuba-esque breeze, 13 PAX gathered in the gloom. The virtual shovel flag flapped it the breeze. A less-than-adequate disclaimer was given (forgot about the dental disclaimer, which would be needed later) and off we went.
B = Body builders (8 count burpees) x 10
I = Imperial Walkers x 10
R = Rock Skippers (like a side to side mountain climber; feet together) x 10
T = Tempo Merkins x 10 (or 20—YHC doesn’t recall)
H = Humpers, monkey style x 20
D = Diamond merkins x 10
A = Abe Vigoda x 10
Y = Yogi Berra (he was a catcher; low, slow squat) x 10
The Thang:
Death Triangle. Run to point in the distance. Scorpion merkins x 10. Run to second point. Rock Skippers x 10. Run back to start point. Double merkin burpee (#crowdpleaser) x 10. Flutter.
Repeato with 15 reps. LBC’s
Repeato with 20 reps. Dolly, Freddy Mercury.
Mosey to the sweat box. Partner up (intelligence and looks do matter). Dora 1-2-3.
Partner 1 runs to light pole and back. Partner 2 does called exercise. Flip Flop.
Together, each pair completes 100 derkins, 200 LBC’s, and 300 squats.
Step ups/irkins as rest of PAX completes.
Peoples Donkey Balls—Peoples Chair with 20 air presses, 15 donkey kicks OYO, Balls to wall with 10 hip slappers. (that’s where the dental part comes in. See below). Repeato with 10-count BTW instead of hip slappers. Repeato for Round 3 with another 10-count BTW.
Mosey to start. Circle up as we pass a burpee around the circle until we reach 53 Burpees.
Finished. BOM. YHC took us out.
Nice of the PAX to come out and celebrate YHC’s b-day. Trying to catch Iron Horse. Tuna and YHC were only ones there for a while. There is only so much banking you can talk in the gloom. Luckily, the PAX began rolling in. Alf claimed there was a stench in the air. Could have been Tuna.
Weather was downright balmy for a November day. Death Triangle was quite fun, esp. as we added reps each round. Luckily, other PAX were offering words of encouragement b/c YHC could not catch enough breath to talk.
Needed a “Y” exercise for warm-up. Not a bunch of Y exercises out there. Had to modify squats into Yogi Berra’s.
The Peoples Donkey Balls is best performed in dry, non-leafy conditions. Alf, known to have the prettiest teeth in Area 51, had hand slippage on the hip slappers. Luckily, no face plant, and the chompers are still intact. Omaha on rounds #2 and #3 with 10-count. Not sure disclaimer covered new dentures.
During Round #2 of PDB, somebody (don’t know who… hearing is the first to go) stated, “I thought Fidel Castro was dead. Why are we subjected to this torture?” Or something like that. Sorry—no celebrations or dancing in the streets at Anvil…just hard work.
Thanks for opportunity to lead. Have a piece of cake this morning.
Bring toys, clothes, cash for Operation Sweet Tooth to an AO this week or to the Christmas Party.
Joe Davis run.
Christmas Party is County Club Casual. Wear a jacket and bill your drinks to the Underhills. Tell them John Coctosan told you to do it.
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