4 #F3daVinci regulars gathered despite good (and not so good) reasons not to and worked off some of the Thanksgiving binge. It was a workout that almost didn’t happen. More on that later.
The Thang
Mosey to Blakeney playground area for COP:
Mosey to tunnel next to Banana Republic and partner up. Partner 1 run around building (including up/down stairs) while partner 2 does people’s chair with overhead press. Flapjack when partner 1 returns. 3 total laps for each partner.
Mosey behind Old Navy / Home Goods / Marshall’s for 7’s. Muscle-up and onto retaining wall, then jump down. Run to brick wall and do 6 balls-to-the-walls presses. Run back to retaining wall for 2 muscle-ups, then to the wall for 5 presses. Continue until 6 muscle-ups and 1 press.
Mosey behind Target for Route 66. Run towards Rea Rd. Do 1 merkin at 1st street light, 2 at 2nd light, 3 at 3rd, all the way up to 11 at the 11th street light. Total of 66 merkins.
Mosey to cart corral in Target parking lot.
Mosey back behind Target for another Route 66. Same as before, but w/ jump squats.
Mosey behind Pet Smart / Best Buy for 11’s. 10 donkey kicks against brick wall. Run to metal railing for 1 derkin. Then 9 donkey kicks against the wall and 2 derkins on the railing. And so on, all the way to 1 donkey kick and 10 derkins.
Partner up for relay races.
Mosey to wall on side of Pet Smart.
Back to Chik-fil-A.
6:28. Who’s is that coming over the horizon? It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s… Paper Jam!?!? Running in from home like a boss. YHC likes it.
All worked hard at this workout. As mentioned earlier, it almost never happened. Escobar rolled his ankle the day before, but posted anyway because he’s a badass. Paper Jam almost fartsacked because he didn’t want to wake his family up by opening the garage to get his car out (that’s a new one), but then decided to run in instead. And last but not least, Might Mite woke up at 4AM and drove from Greensboro (or Greenville… definitely someplace Green) to make it on time for the workout. That is dedication right there. Way to go MM. You fellas did the right thing and helped make a great morning.
Awesome to see Escobar continuing to post and get stronger. Thanks to Paper Jam for taking us out. Enjoyed the conversation and breakfast burrito at CFA coffeeteria. It had been a few hours since YHC stuffed his face, so that was nice. As always it was an honor to lead.
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