Conditions were perfect for a post-Thanksgiving run. Low 50s, slight breeze,
the crisp scent of decomposing leaves. YHC fully expected to be going it alone
today at the Brave, but right at 0515 in roll Frehley’s and Nard Dawg. Here’s what
we did:
YHC is no runner, but today seemed like a good day to run. Since Frehley’s protested a purely running endeavor was there I figured we’d mix in some pull-ups and merkins. Today’s menu was roughly: run 1/2 mile, work the core, run 1/2 mile, work the core. etc. So we ran somewhere between 4 – 4.5 miles (#gpsfail) out east on ballantyne commons and south community house and made these pit-stops along the way.
Not much to say. Sara’s YMCA is closed. So the usual plan of showering there after Brave has been foiled. The choices for YHC: (1) drive all the way back to Weddington, shower, likely cause a “Daddy’s home” scene, and mope on back to work. (2) post up at the office in the sweaty F3 gear until the Morrison Y opens at 8:30. Yup, #2 is the obvious choice. Keeping the F3 shirt on, perhaps some it will allow some more EHs in the office (if anyone shows). Enough about that.
Frehely’s Comet is a runner. Despite all of his mouthing off to the contrary. Solid effort this morning; no shrubberies were defiled this morning, neither was that awful white towel.
Nard Dawg is shooting for 10lbs of weight-loss in December. Good luck, that is a tough month to get through with any weight loss goal.
YHC was happy to just be out there, even though this likely was one of the easiest Brave workouts in recent memory; not as easy as staying in bed though.
Argo out.
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