There is a new sherif in town!

  • When:11/18/16
  • QIC: Yeti
  • The PAX: Ductwork, Uncle Leo, Freedom, Bounce, Stonecold, Dollywood, Joystick, Chin Music, Header, Lobster Roll,Yeti

There is a new sherif in town!

Beautiful morning at Joust as 11 studs went to work.

Mosey to the field

20 Side Straddle Hop
20 Imperial Walker

Jack Webb 1-5
Merkin + Air presses
Dry dock + flutter

From the middle of the field, run to the 50 yd. marker and do 5 burpees. Return to the middle and run to the 40 yd. marker and do 4 burpees, etc. Finish with 10 burpees in the endzone.

Jack Webb 6-10
Merking + Air Presses
Dry Dock + Flutter

Repeat burpee workout

Mosey over to the playground, find a partner

Exercise 1: Partner 1 does stairs while partner 2 does dips. Switch when runner gets to the top his 5th time.

Exercise 2: Same as 1, but replace dips with incline Merkins

Partner 1- run to the parking lot crosswalk
Partner 2 – low, slow squat
Repeat (replace squat with alternating lunges)

Exercise 3: Same as 1, but switch after 3rd time

Exercise 4: Same as 3, but replace dips with decline Merkins

Partner 1 – run to the upper playground and do 10 pullups
Partner 2 – Freddy Mercury

Jog up to the parking lot, final gasser to the finish line.

So excited to be taking over Joust as the Q-site! My new Yeti hat fits perfectly, but my pride still needs to recover from Grizzly Adams aka Jace Roberston aka ZZ Top aka Stonecold questioning my ability to grow a beard.

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High Tide
7 years ago

Important for any sheriff (or Site Q) is proper uniform.

Area 51 Winter Gear Order!
Just in time for Christmas deliveries, we’re offering the Area 51 logo on Winter gear! From long sleeved shirts to fleece pullovers and hoodies, we’ve got you covered- literally. Ordering is open One Week Only, ending Monday, November 28, so don’t delay.

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