The day started up a bit early getting set up, the morning was brisk but workable. I pulled in at 5:15 to get the 6 stations started up, saw Ice pull in at the same time. I was fortunate, he waited till I had all the stations set up and then stepped in at the last minute to help me move a bench just before we got started, but I digress;)
Warm up: Quick lap around both parking lots, then hand the Q over to Ole Macdonald for the official WU: 15 SSH Regular 10 SSH SUPERSPEED, 10 Pushups (refuses to call merkins now that he knows what they are), 20 LBC’s, 15 Cotton Pickers, quad stretches and WU Complete.
The Thang:
Six stations: Pull ups, weighted sit ups, Weighted step ups, Smashballs, Kettle bells, Curls. To music we hit each station for a minute for the first 3, one lap around the parking lot, 3 more stations another lap, 60 seconds rest. Rinse and repeat 2 more times.
Moleskin: the mumble chatter started out very loud and I was starting to wonder if this was going to be a good work out but shortly into the 1st round it got serious. The fast lap around the lot manages to get the heart rate up and the chatter down. Regarding the lap, Rockwell was on my heals in the first round and passed me in the second round (nice work!, clearly he is substantially faster than he was 4 months ago). Recalculating and Loafer have there game faces on and remain committed to bettering themselves. Dirtybird continues to be a source of inspiration for me with his no quit attitude. As always, I am grateful to be a part of this group of men, men that want to be better in all aspects of our lives.
Nascar 5K tomorrow night- Posse loves his kids so contact him if your interested
3rd F Sanctuary 7:30 Monday Nights Brooklyn Pizza Wesley Chapel.
Thought of the day
“When you die, the quality of your life will be measured by how much of it you gave away.” Andy Stanley.
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