Viva La Vuelta

  • When:11/16/16
  • QIC: Spackler
  • The PAX: Semi Gloss, Smokey, Header, Dollywood, Dolphin, Chin Music, Dumpster Fire, Draino, Jet Fuel, Private Benjamin, Deep Dish, Geraldo.

Viva La Vuelta

13 pax took on the loop this morning in the dreaded tundra that is known as #F3DeathValley.

Precise and effective disclaimer was given

Couple laps around parking lot followed by the longest COP ever performed by YHC, according to Glossy Balls.

The Thang – Viva La Vuelta x 3

  1.  Shuttle run the basketball hoops at the parking lot then run over to the rocks
  2. 10 straight arm raises with a rock followed by 10 diamonds on your rock then run down the bleachers
  3. 10 step ups, 20 dips and 30 pulls ups on hand rail then run to the track
  4. Loop around track with 10 merkins at each corner then run to the middle of the field for 10 MTJ’s
  5. Return to the start

We did this as a group on the first loop, AYG on the second loop and again as a group on the 3rd loop.  Even threw in a little Mary and some planks on occasion for a time kill.  Voila.


Great effort out there today gents for what YHC thought was a great workout.  Kudos to Mermaid for dropping a similar bomb on us last week at Anvil and giving me the last minute idea for today.  She’s a keeper

In typical Gloss form, he pulls in with 3 min to spare walks by my car and mouths the infamous, “I gotta s#it”.  We need to make a tshirt #pronto

Speaking of tshirts, come to find out Dumpster Fire has memorized what would seem to be each and every No Fear t shirt slogan.  No doubt trying to pump himself up through the last loop with #2ndplaceisthefirstloser talk.

The whole No Fear talk triggered some, and I’m sure not so shocking to many of you, memories of my youth with the Big Johnson tshirts.  Of course as I’m reciting the slogan of the infamous Big Johnson Bar & Casino, I look to my left and it’s none other than Header.  #Doh!

Header, Chin Music, Smokey and Dolly were all out front today #shocker.  Plan was to call them out on their #crotchtoupee form to slow them down but I couldn’t keep up.  #theybfast

Dolphin pushed through with a bad shoulder for some not so friendly shoulder exercises.  Nice work brother.  Hope you get some good news this afternoon.  Thank you for taking us out in prayer

Draino, Jet Fuel and Geraldo kept their heads down and powered through.  Good work gents.  Well I take that back.  Geraldo, #YouOnlyHadOneJob

Pretty sure Deep Dish sat in his bed this AM staring at his iPhone just waiting for the temp to change from 36* to 35*.  No luck compadre!

Welcome Private Benjamin to his 2nd workout.  It was made clear following the workout that Private Benjamin was just not appropriate because he claimed that was his favorite movie and that is all the pax could think of……..this is getting quite offensive.  I move to rename, and in keeping with the Private Benjamin theme, I’ve come up with Private Wanda, Slick Guy, Mr Waxman or Final Thrust.  Obviously I’m leaning towards the last one.  Ideas welcome.

Big props to Smokey for being the most unselfish of the pax this morning to carry the load as Operation Sweet Tooth Toy and Supply Q for Death Valley.  Dollywood oh Dollywood.  #shameful

It’s an honor to lead and I always appreciate the opportunity  #GlossIsProudOfMe


Operation Sweet Tooth


  1. Each of the below South Charlotte AOs will designate a OST Toy Drive Lead AND Toy Delivery Lead.
  2. PAX will collect new toys, games, activity books, and hygiene items for children of all ages. The children who come to AYN are often in need of basic items such as toiletries, shoes and undergarments, to name just a few. AYN rely on the generosity of in-kind donors to ensure that each child has the clothing, supplies and personal items he/she needs in order to heal and realize their fullest potential. A brief list of current priority items can be found below.
    1. New clothing (pants, shirts, jackets)
    2. New undergarments (cotton sports bras or bra tops, camisoles, underwear)
    3. New swim suits
    4. New shoes (Velcro laces highly preferred)
    5. Pillow pets (new preferred, used for therapeutic purposes)
    6. Personal Hygiene Items (deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner)
    7. Art & School Supplies
    8. Educational Books (1st – 5th grade levels)
    9. New Blankets & Bed Linens
    10. MP3 Players & Headphones
  3. Bring the toys you collected to the F3 South Charlotte Christmas Party on Friday, December 2, 2016. OR, if for some elaborate excuse you can’t attend, return to your respective AO and turn in your donations to your AO’s OST Toy Drive lead.
  4. Toy Delivery Leads shall collect the donated toys and supplies and arrange for Operation Drop-Ship to AYN on Monday, December 5, 2016. All PAX are encouraged to post – to let our numbers count for something – and show Olive, Jager, and those children in need to see Strength in Numbers and Unity in Strength.







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Spackler author

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Dumpster Fire
Dumpster Fire
8 years ago

“The only place champion comes before pain is in the dictionary.” #ILookedThatOneUp

Another 90s brand of t-shirts…the co-ed naked shirts that were also worn around school. Thanks to the 90s nostalgia website for having a page devoted to those…now my office of employment has me on record. #unintendedconsequence

Solid Q as always, Spackler.

Dolphin – Good mumblechatter for a bit.

It’s amazing how regular Semi-Gloss actually is. And he posts at Death Valley a lot.

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