Face Toupee

  • When:11/16/16
  • QIC: Baby Face
  • The PAX: Pickleback, Funky Cold, Pig Skin, Chowda, Huddle, 50 Shades, Voit, Tesla, Bambino, Bullwinkle, Fishwrap, Nibbler, Carrier, Floatie, Baracus, Bounce, Baby Face

Face Toupee

It’s Movember. Which means you have no excuse for being beardless. I realize that some of you cannot grow a beard for genetic reasons (you have my pity), while others are oppressed by stifling policies restricting beards in their professional environments. But it is Movember now …the one month in the entire year when you can say to your employer, “It’s for a good cause,” and they can’t do anything about it for fear of the ACLU and other agencies ambitious about protecting the rights of downtrodden peoples. So grow a grand and glorious beard this month brothers! If you are beardedly challenged procure a face toupee. Do whatever must be done, but don’t miss this once in a lifetime (and by “lifetime” of course I mean annual) opportunity to Beard-It-Up!

Exercising in the A.M.

Jog to COP location approx. 970 yards from meeting location of origin.


SSH x 20 IC

Imperial Walker x 20 IC

Mtn Climbers x 10 IC

Peter Parkers x 10 IC

Parker Peters x 10 IC

Monkey Humpers x 15 IC

Run to that neighborhood with the hill, and – – – > 7’s (burpees at the top, sumo jump squats at the bottom).

Run back to the COP location for Russian Twists (x20 IC) and Knee-ups (x15 IC).

Run to courtyard for Dips & Derkins (both x 10 IC) …& repeato.

While in courtyard also accomplish some jump-ups (x 20 OYO) …& repeato.

Run to the sports pitch for bear crawl to 50 YL and backwards run back to goal line; followed by crab walk to the 30 YL & backwards run to goal line; followed by 100 yard run 10 burpees & then backwards run to opposite goal line (reapto but Diamonds &  then Wide-Arm Merkins).

Jog to wall for 1 min of Balls-to-the-wall …and then do it for another minute.

Jog back to meeting point of origin and we’re done.



We rise early to exercise and the mornings are getting brisk …and as we enter the winter months your face will thank you for growing a nice warm beard.

Also …where is Arena (formerly know as “Wabbit”) these days???

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Baby Face author

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