No, The Thang is not lacking description because this is a day late and I forgot what we did. (I may be old, but I am not Commish old yet.) Instead, while every man worked hard and started Saturday with a good sweat, the workout was far from the highlight this morning and didn’t deserve much space. The real highlights (for YHC at least) were meeting our relatively new brother Escobar for the first time, welcoming Heisenberg back out into the gloom and seeing/hearing the progress he has made (see below), and spending time with all 4 of these men at coffeeteria — getting to know them each a little better before heading back into our days with our families. In case you didn’t know, Saturday morning workouts and coffee in SOB Land at either Stonehenge or da Vinci are pretty effing awesome. Hands down always one of the best parts of my week with F3.
A few notes on the workout:
Curb crawl was brutal around 8 or so. YHC made a comment that next time he would consider calling it to 7 instead of 10 but, in hindsight, it’s probably better to just get stronger so 10 sucks less. If you look it up in the Exicon, it actually says to go to 13 so maybe YHC’s arms are just more soccer-like than YHC thought. Had MT (or Pebbles before he became the running man) been there, they could have handed me a tissue while continuing with one-arm merkins. Would have been good to have One-Niner there as well. He could have kept count for us while wistfully stroking the argyle tape on his shoulder. But, YHC digresses.
Still getting used to this DST thing. Sun coming up before we were even out of COP was definitely odd. We learned today that running up behind men in CDD formation is definitely better left to the concealing darkness of the gloom. #CantUnseeThat. Also, Bucky’s head glows as much in the sunlight as it does in the moonlight.
Escobar and Heisenberg (I think) are the reason YHC opted for the hairburners. Who doesn’t want to be the guy to introduce someone to that lung-destroying grind of pain for the first time? YHC then proceeded to make it the most confusing configuration of hairburners ever, so there is plenty of room for improvement here. Keep those plates handy for next time one of these two show up at your Q and please show them how it’s actually supposed to work.
Notes on the PAX:
My man Soft Pretzel is as solid as they get. YHC has never heard him complain about anything. Always brings a great attitude, encouraging words and a work ethic that doesn’t quit. Chased him on every section of the beast and he never missed a cadence count even when we were all gassed. Great having you out, as always, brother.
Bucky came to work and that is exactly what he did. Crushed us all in the curb crawl and the man is a beast on step-ups (that is meant as a compliment, but Jane Fonda would also be proud). Bucky was the first to spot the plates just hanging out in the parking lot and asked if they were mine. It felt kind of like someone asking Frehley’s what happened to his towel when he hops out of the bushes. One of those questions you know the answer to, but REALLY wish you didn’t. Or maybe like asking Tolkien and Mario what actually happens at F3 Hot Tubs. A question you never want to know the answer to.
First time meeting Escobar. Somewhat new to F3, but dude has obviously been putting in work somewhere because he was right on our heels through everything. Great to meet you, pleasure working out with you, and look forward to seeing you out there again. Now just bite the bullet and get up on a weekday! Before you know it, sleeping until 5:30 or 6:00 on a Saturday will feel like you are being lazy.
Kotters to Heisenberg who hasn’t been out for 2-3 weeks due to work obligations. He was kind enough to mention that he dragged himself out of the fartsack when he heard YHC had the Q. I truly appreciate that, brother. More importantly, even with 3 weeks off, Heisenberg showed up looking trim and let us know that he has lost over 20 pounds since starting his F3 journey. Huge T-claps, brother — strong, strong work — keep it up. He also mentioned that the words of encouragement he has received via Twitter, etc (especially from our boy Triple-7) have been a huge source of motivation. Always a good reminder when you hear something like that. Reach out to your brothers when you think of it — you never know if you might be the little push they need to keep going or the ear they need at just the right time.
Thanks to Tuck and 777 for the invite to lead and for keeping this great workout rolling week in and week out.
Thanks, JRRT. For more on why you should post on Saturdays (or for a good time), go here:
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