Mountain Goat – Today’s Episode: Tyexus Bryekfast…or…Call the Locksmith!

  • When:11/04/16
  • QIC: Dumpster Fire
  • The PAX: Nomad, Mad, Man Bun, Retread, The Mouth, Lois, Tweetsie, Drano, Benny, Early Bird, Insomiac, J.R.R. Tolkien, Joker, Dumpster Fire (QIC)

Mountain Goat – Today’s Episode: Tyexus Bryekfast…or…Call the Locksmith!

15 Goats posted at Mountain Goat on a very moderate temp November 4 for a Texas Breakfast (in honor of our Brother Slim Fast, who delegated today’s Q to YHC).

Prior to The Thang, YHC and Nomad took off for a leisurely yog down Strawberry and back for an extra mile.  I was so overjoyed by the thought of running w/Nomad that I completely lost my senses.  More on that later.

Since it had been nearly a month since 30-30-1 made an appearance at this AO AND YHC hates interval training, there was no other option than to drive a bus-full of PAX up and down Strawberry Ln.

LOP (Lap of Pain)/ The Thang:

  1. Warm-up for about a mile on Strawberry Ln/ Line up at the rear speed bump (No tippy toe, no duck walks, no high knees, no butt kickers….this runner skipped 1st base and headed straight to 2nd).
  2. 30-seconds-ish at Ahh-payce (sort of like an i-pace, but has roots further southwest from here)… recover jog back to start
  3. 30-seconds-ish at Ahh-payce … recover jog back to start
  4. 1-minute-ish at Ahh-payce… recover jog back to start
    • Que Drano suggesting that “wasn’t the actual starting line at the next speed bump?”  No way, this had to be the line…right?  Nope…after rep #1, YHC took PAX on a family field trip to the next speed bump – the correct speed bump.
    • Que The Mouth exclaiming that he needs to go to the bathroom…well, there wasn’t going to be any more “Mister Kimble I have to go to the bathroom…there is no bathroom!” With apologies to Benny who lives that story and knows exactly what I’m talking about.
    • Also, Que two neighborhood ladies out walking in the morning weather, followed by something of a “Good morning, ladies” from The PAX/Mouth’s, further followed by The Mouth’s iPadphone flying out of it’s holster and onto the ground not 2 seconds after the ladies pass.  “Suck in the guts, guys, we’re the Ghostbusters.”
  5. Anyway, repeat that 5 times
  6. PAX mosey into SCMS parking lot for final stretching – calf, hipflexers, quads, IT band/hipflexers

4.5-5 miles… DONE! (YHC and Nomad 4.5-5)


began much like most of this workout…a Dumpster Fire #seewhatIdidthere.  While the PAX waited for YHC to retrieve his phone, there seemed to be a bit of a problem…surely I put the key magnet behind my front tire, right?  Nope.  YHC was so JACKED about the prerun that he threw his keys in his car and locked it up behind him.  Que Nomad to the rescue with his phone and away we went for Name-o-Rama and close-out.  Thanks to Tweetsie for dialing up the Almighty, even a shout-out for YHC who begun to work out a plan for retrieving his keys.

MEGA TClaps for Drano driving me back to my crib. Drano’s the man.

You better believe the M was terrified at the sight of someone on her back porch before she realized it was me. It’s okay I’ll just get the spare, call an Uber and…wait what? No spare to be found?  It’s in my locked car as well, you say?  …….<expletive>

Que USAA’s roadside assistance contractor who was an hour late (8:30am, by my reckoning, but then again, my watch was off all morning) to meeting me back at the AO – which at this point had fully transformed back into a normal school with School Buses and weirdo children wondering what this guy in flip flops and running shorts was doing camped out in between all of the parked buses.  Thankful that the resident police officer left me alone as I stood there for 45+ mins (I called USAA while en route, if you’re doing math)…that’s fine, USAA guy.  Don’t worry about being late.  You probably only were responsible for me being put on two Neighborhood Watch lists.  Whatever, just let me get in the car.  Thank you for your support, and thank you for serving our Nation’s veterans.

Okay now, let’s hurry up and get this day over with.  Aye.  And here we are.  Who needs a beer?


  • J.R.R. Tolkien, Joker, The Mouth, Retread, and Early Bird always out in front. EB’s got some wheels.
  • Tweetsie and Lois are now full-time regulars and I can tell. From their strong finish the week before to pushing themselves this morning, really dig the effort.
  • MAD – keep posting, brother.  Good to BS a bit before this workout went sideways on us.
  • Drano = The Man.  See above.
  • Benny and Man Bun putting on a consistent performance as always.
  • Good to see Insomniac posting again.  Keep posting Brother!
  • Solid work by all this morning.
  • Pro Tip: I don’t care if you’ve been posting for two years or more.  When exiting the vehicle on arival, put your key or key storage device on your outer windshield, then lock your car inside, then shut the door, then pick your key up from your outer windshield, and then do what you will with it.  Or don’t run with Nomad.

Always an honor to lead.


Joe Davis Run – F3 is involved because our brother, Rock Thrill, lost his brother to addiction and this race was founded in order to raise awareness about the effects of addiction.  Read all about it at the link.

J.R.R. Tolkien Joe Davis Run Challenge: Anyone doing their first 5k, first 10k, or set a PR?Tolkien will do 10 burpees. For anyone that beats him, he will do 10 burpees + cash donation to Joe Davis charity.

F3 South Charlotte Christmas Party – Sign up, or Mr. Bean loses his house on the $$ that he fronted to book the party.  As an FYI, Christmas party toy drive goes to benefit Operation Sweet Tooth – As most of you know F3 Olive’s daughter died suddenly about 6 months ago. He is from Isotope. Operation Sweet Tooth is a non-profit organization created to honor her memory by bringing joy to other kids. We are pushing a drive for donations of toys for Operation Sweet Tooth to benefit Alexander Youth Network. Specific details to follow regarding what to donate.

New AO in Pineville, NC – The Big House – Launching Monday, November 14th at 0530.  Park at Pineville Police Department vistor’s lot and the Q will take it from there.  Bring an FNG from Pineville who always complains about how far away the workouts are.  Zero time for that noise w/this AO in-place.  DM me (Dumpster Fire) or Cheddar for further info.

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JRR Tolkien
JRR Tolkien
7 years ago

Great job DF. Well, on everything except locking keys in car.

Enjoying changing it up every now and then at MG and had to see pax making progress every time I post. Have a great weekend all!

If you feel up to it, join me at Stonehenge tomorrow 6am @ The Vine American Kitchen in Ballantyne… I have the Substi-Q.

Dumpster Fire
Dumpster Fire
Reply to  JRR Tolkien
7 years ago

No kidding! Great hustle out there man.

7 years ago

Great lead DF! Very nice job for your MGVQ. Today I was a site FNG and I must say I loved it!

I get discouraged running, as I get winded so quickly, so I’ve gravitated to the gear work outs. But I really want to work on my running. I enjoyed Strange Brew’s Q at Hydra last week and we talked a bit about Mountain Goat. I then heard Freedom telling Chin Music about Mountain Goat yesterday after Meat Head. Now, none of those guys posted with us today, but T-claps to them for steering me here.

I really loved the interval running. I needed the rest each time. And I ran further/faster each time – so I saw clear progress in just 60 minutes. Even the stretching was great for me as I never take the time for that. I will be back.

Great group of pax today, everyone working hard but having fun. I appreciated the few towards the back of the pack with me. Thanks for the encouragement. Great AO where, at least today, the fast and the slow could push and get great workouts in at the same time.

Glad you got into your car eventually DF. See you in the gloom…

Dumpster Fire
Dumpster Fire
Reply to  MAD
7 years ago

Good stuff, MAD. Mtn Goat is one of my favorites in the A51/SOB area. Options to push yourself but not so hard that you risk injury. See you next week!

7 years ago

Excellent, memorable Q DF! I second your comments re: Tweetsie and Lois. You guys are doing great work. Keep posting.

Was there a Porta Potty hidden in the trees near the school’s entrance? There was an unmistakable scent emanating from that area that gave me BRR flashbacks.

Dumpster Fire
Dumpster Fire
Reply to  Retread_a51
7 years ago

Nomad and I wondered the same things…but we assumed that we were both probably on the verge of having seizures or strokes or something.

You and I need a friendly wager in a few weeks. You too are welcome to post at The Big House when it opens…but like Goonie, you may be too scared to do so. Have a great weekend brotha.

Slim Fast
7 years ago

WOW!! Gone for 48 hours and look what happens!! I’m worn out just reading this!

But seriously… THANK YOU, DUMPSTER FIRE… for the VMGQ! It sounds like everyone got a good workout along with some entertainment! Can’t beat that for the price!

You have now sullied your neighborhood safespot (the school parking lot)… and possibly your own back porch! You have only cemented your lore as “Yeti”… with many more sightings to add to the legend!!

Personally, I’m not sure I want to know what REALLY flew out of The Mouth’s pants… or, I mean, holster… Just suffice to say that between you two, the ladies of the neighborhood are now having to walk in pairs… and I will not be surprised to see police escorts in the near future!!

As for the attempt to recreate the Slim Fast twang… I applaud the attempt… but I read that more as a Boston/NE accent as someone like Geraldo or Benny might be familiar with… C”ahh”r… P”ahh”rk…

Now in Texas… it would be more CaRR-RR (consisting of at least 2 syllables)…. and I-Pace is EYYYYEE-pace.

Good times… good times!! Thanks again, DF!!

7 years ago

As a wordsmith, I can say it’s hard to phonetically spell certain things, like a twang.

Rest assured, in person, DF nailed it.

A moment of navel gazing — in the comments of the last couple of BBs, it has been brought up the awesomeness of Mountain Goat in that there really is something for everyone. I must say, that idea as I stalked BBs of various spots was what drew me to make this my first ever F3 post back in late July.

That, and the idea of interval run training was something I understood as I read. At the time I couldn’t make heads or tails of some of the other BBs. What the heck is a SSH or IW or Merkin, anyway?

All that to say, I’m glad I finally manned up and came out. Getting to know the regulars has been an encouragement, blessing and everything in between. And it still holds true — at this post more than any I’ve been to, there is something for everyone.

So, yeah, thanks for being awesome, Mountain Goat. I literally wouldn’t be here otherwise.

Dumpster Fire
Dumpster Fire
Reply to  Lois
7 years ago

Aye. Lois is posting at workouts and posting on BBs! #Doublethreatguy #KeepPosting #KeepPounding

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