A Unicorn Sighting at SVMS!

  • When:9/30/16
  • QIC: Madison
  • The PAX: Lamont (R), The Count, Countertop, Hair Band, Glass Joe, Smokey, Shepherd (R), Madison (Q)

A Unicorn Sighting at SVMS!

Summer is officially over, but it’s still hot out, even at 05:30 (more on that later), but 8 men decided to converge on Sun Valley Middle School to start the day off with a solid gear workout known as Overdrive.




No FNG’s.  Disclaimer provided & we were off into the dimly lit visitor’s lot for the Hairband quarter mile. #gearworkout


IW X 20 IC

Windmill X 10 IC

Mosey to the prearranged stations for circuit work


Main Event:

A fire hose, kettle bells of varying weights, jump ropes, a slam ball, and more kettle bells were conveniently arranged into 8 Pain Stations and were anxious to be put to use.  Here’s how it went down.

Station 1: Fire hose pull to cone at far end of visitor’s lot – approx 40 yards – and return

Station 2: O/H press with KB

Station 3: Jump Rope

Station 4: Flutter Press with KB

Station 5: Slam Ball (30 lb)

Station 6: Merkins

Station 7: SSH

Station 8: 2-handed KB swings


PAX pulling the fire hose was the timer.  Other performed predetermined exercises at their stations until hose was pulled down & back.  Shift one station to the right upon the return of the hose.  Repeato until time for Mary.




Freddie Mercury X 20 IC

Flutter X 20 IC


The Moleskin


Let me begin the moleskin by giving TClaps to Hoff & Witch Doctor, for without their generous use of the fire hose & slam ball, today’s beatdown would have been less than epic.  The chatter was strong right out of the gate this AM because we experienced something akin to a unicorn sighting.  In the 3+ months YHC has been posting at Overdrive, there’s been a consistent tale of a legendary PAX known as Countertop.  Today was a fateful day at SVMS as kotters were given to the Man, the Myth, the Legend.  We may officially be into the season know as Fall, but it’s still a toasty 65-70 degrees at any given AO on any given morning.  I point this out because Glass Joe showed up dressed like it was 45 instead of 65.  At least he didn’t fartsack. #wheresdoubleE  Fortunately, he normalized his workout wear.  We lost Hair Band for a while after one of his rotations on the hose pull.  He claims he was hydrating, but rumor has it that he was curled up in the fetal position by one of the cars.  Luckily, he shook it off and returned to the Pain Stations just in time for the 2-handed swings.  Countertop was alleged to have been on IR for a while, but he showed no signs of a drop off when it came to pushing, pulling and slamming heavy stuff.  Maybe he was cheating on us with another AO??  The only thing stronger than Smokey’s words of encouragement was the effort he put out.  Unfortunately for The Count, he had position #1 on the Pain Stations #firehosetestdummy which meant he had to suffer through the exercise 3 times.  Shepherd and Lamont were crushing it this AM.  I may have even heard one of them ask when the real workout was going to start.  YHC considers it an honor to have to opportunity to lead and hopes today’s workout haunts you all weekend #soremuscles.  TClaps to Glass Joe, Double E, and Hairband for the opportunity.



F3 Monroe is launching Sat, 10/8 in downtown Monroe

New Wednesday workout, Gumby, launched this week at Matthews UMC

Continue to pray for Glass Joe’s M


Thanks to Hairband for taking us out strong.

About the author

Madison author

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Hair Band
7 years ago

Great Q this morning, and when I say great I really mean horrible.

There was no Merlot but there may have been a dry heave and some rehydration needed.

Double E is a summer only guy at Overdrive so aside from Saturdays we won’t see him until May.

Reply to  Hair Band
7 years ago

I forgot to mention all of the “that’s what she said” jokes you and Glass Joe had going on this morning. Maybe next time. #thatswhatshesaid

Hair Band
Reply to  Madison
7 years ago

That amount of those jokes we had going was at an epic level throughout the workout.

Countertop walking in and saying your firehose was bigger than his was a catalyst to keep it up. #ThatsWhatSheSaid

Counter Top
7 years ago

Solid Beatdown this a.m brother. Glad to rejoin the PAX. -CT

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