The hills are alive with… Sweat

  • When:08/12/16
  • QIC: Udder
  • The PAX: Slim fast, sensei, mouth, atlas, nomad ®, high tide, Lois, champagne, one-niner, tweetsie, insomniac, huggy bear, early bird, joker, jrr Tolkien, Geraldo, udder (QIC)

The hills are alive with… Sweat

18 of A51’s finest embarked on an adventure to find Dora’s bag of tricks. What we found did not disappoint. Well maybe it disappointed the mouth (refusenik)

Thoroughly disclaimed and shy any FNGs we headed out from SCMS. Left on Strawberry Ln and out to 51. Quick stop on the way for dynamic stretching and back into formation. Indian run to raintree. QIC blows out calf. Rendered pretty much useless the rest of workout. #BRR #overtrained mosey to rounding run and we run through the WOD.

Double Dora. Partner up. Partner 1 runs to the top of adjacent hill on rounding run. Otherwise known as the “half pipe”. Partner 2 does AMRAP exercise. Cumulative exercises to 600, 400 and 200. Squats, lunges, monkey humpers.

The rufusnik started early. Lots of mumble hatter and heavy breathing coming off the half pipe. Audible exercises to 200 lunges and 100 MH as time began to run out. Everyone gathered back together and we mosey back to SCMS.

Round of Mary to finish out the morning. Flutter, rosilita and 6-inch holds.

NMS: YHC apologizes for the late post. If there is one thing I can say about BRR training it’s listen to your body. Take the rest days and stay healthy. Whiplash would say “hills are hills and nothin can really prepare you for BRR. Better to go in healthy knowing you can run than hurt and get hurt even more”. My calf agrees.

Strong efforts by everyone out there today. JRR and one-niner were having a backwards running race. That looked awful. Slim fast and sensei took on lame YHC as a partner. They are a great team. Can t wait to see them in action at BRR. Mouth broke free early on and got some miles in. (we did do about 2 miles of hill repeats #justsayin)

all things considered we left much sweater and stronger men.


pool party next weekend.

F3 dads camp  have fun and be safe. (In progress)

About the author

Udder administrator

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JRR Tolkien
JRR Tolkien
7 years ago

Thanks Udder for the lead and take care of that calf. If you want to get it dry needled and need a rec, let me know.

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