40 Never Looked So Good

  • When:07/30/16
  • QIC: Bunker
  • The PAX: Mic Check, Triple 7, Bratwurst, Howie, JRR Tolkien, Bunker, and Mario (kind of)

40 Never Looked So Good

Saturday was a big day for DaVinci….a 40th birthday celebration by the Q.  YHC hasn’t posted to DaVinci in a while and felt bad about it…such a good AO with so many options to choose from.  A nice crew showed up this morning to celebrate and get a good workout in.  The theme this morning was 40 or variations of it….4 laps, 4 sets of 10, 40….anything to get people griping (only one person did and we’ll get to that later).

The Thang

Started off with a very thorough disclaimer so no one sues us.

Head towards Nakatomi Plaza for the following loop:  Run up stairs, then across, and back down the stairs.  40 LBCs and run to the corner for 40 Russian Twists.  Around the building to the breezeway for a People’s Chair and 40 shoulder presses and then to the last corner for 40 Freddie Mercury.  Repeat 4 times for a total of 160 exercises at each station in total.

Head across Ardrey Kell to Carolina Sports Clinic parking lot.  Bear Crawl approx 40 meters (or more..who’s counting but it fits the theme) then sprint the rest of the lot.  Loop around for Lunge Walk plus sprints, and finally 10 merkins at each of the 4 islands for a count of 40.  Repeat 4 times.

Head back to the start for 10 dips, 10 derkins, 10 full touch the toe sit-ups, and 10 pull-ups.

40 burpees to top off the hour.

Skinny of the Mole

DaVinci really is a great AO.  It’s not getting the love it should…we have so many workouts in SOB land it’s hard to hit them all, but there are so many areas to hit from that site.  This morning we had a good crew show up and pound the pavement.  Triple 7 showed up after Stonehenge for a strong double-down…dude is flat out killin’ it.  Mic Check, Bratwurst and his 2.0, and Tolkien (a little late but he worked out like 7 times that morning so I’ll cut him some slack) rounded out the crew.

The first stop seemed to go well…everyone was pretty close together and the pace was good.  The LBCs seemed to get the most out of folks…Bratwurst apparently can’t count to 40 or gets lost in his own thoughts and just goes until folks are done.  Whatever works in my book…

The second stop is where the complaining started….well actually it started a little earlier, but it amped up there.  Mostly from our good friend Tolkien.  No matter what YHC gave direction on, there was a quick “this is bullsh**” comment to follow.  It was probably the bear crawls….which were included for a reason.  I will give him kudos though…I saw him complete the full bear crawl exercise.  Of course, I had already completed that, plus finished the lunge walk section, and was almost done with all my merkins by the time he finished one round of bear crawls, but F3 is all about getting better.  Keep at it my little-armed friend.

The best part of the day was Bratwurst’s face when I said we had 40 burpees to complete after the entire workout was just about done.  It was priceless….I wish I had a picture.  It was a mix of anger, fear, hatred, and just plain old annoyance with the Q.  Even Howie, his 2.0, got into the act by giving the Q a hard time…a chip off the ole’ Brat(wurst).  He got me back though…YHC didn’t realize that several PAX were planning to wake me up post-hangover the next morning for an early run.  I should have seen that one coming…but my 40 year old brain is slower.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

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Bunker author

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JRR Tolkien
JRR Tolkien
7 years ago

This backblast is bull$h!t

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