USDA daily allowance of KBs and Running

  • When:07/02/16
  • QIC: Swiss Miss
  • The PAX: YHC’s new phone includes a feature that disables voice recording for reasons YHC has not determined, and so the names of all the PAX who posted is going to need you to comment to complete it.  To get the ball rolling: High Tide, Pele, Linux (Respect), Floppy Pole, Draino (site FNG), Dora, Snoopy, Billboard,

USDA daily allowance of KBs and Running

After Pele secured the perimeter (pre-run), the PAX began to assemble for the hybrid workout that is Ascent/Olympus.

YHC offered some rambling intro/disclaimer and then we were off.  Well, actually we just stood in a circle at first.  Here’s what went down:
SSH – 20 IC
IW – 20 IC
LSS – 10 IC
Arm Circles – 10 forward, 10 reverse OYO
Slow Merkins (Slerkins) – 10 IC

Grab all KBs and mosey to near side of field for the MAIN THANG:
5x5s – 5 Rounds @ 5 minutes per round do as many rotations as possible per each 5 minute period:

Round 1: 10 Two-Handed KB Swings, run to other end of field, 1 Burpees, run back.  Repeato +10 swings, +1 burpee
Round 2: 10 Push Presses, 5 high pulls per side, 10 bicep curls, continue w/same movements
Round 3:, 10 Goblet Squats, run to other end, 5 Merkins, run back.  Repeato +5 squats, +2 Merkins
Round 4:, 10 Good Mornings, run to pullup bars, 5 pullups, run back.  Repeato +2 GMs, +1 P
Round 5: Viking Press (5/side), run to half-field, 10 dead bugs (R+L=2), run back.  Repeato

Grab all KBs and mosey to small track
Split into groups of 3 (speed/size do not matter) for a set of grinders with a called KB exercise at each end. P1 carries KB to the opposite end of the track (End B). P3 begins performing called exercise (End A). When reaching opposite end P1 performs called exercise.  P2 runs around track back to P1. When P2 completes full lap, P2 takes over exercise and P1 runs to P3. Complete circuit until each pax completes exercises on both ends of track. Repeat with 2nd called exercise

  • Lap 1- End A: Upright rows, End B: alternating 1-handed swings
  • Lap 2- End A: Russian twist, End B: Halos (5 clockwise, 5 counter, repeato)
  • Lap 3- End A: Alternating Clean & Press, End B: Lawnmower

Convergence for Independence Day @ South Charlotte Middle @ 7:00
Pool Party Aug 20.  Details/signup:

YHC had planned for a complete breakfast of kettlebells and running, with enough added nutrition to keep everyone full until Monday.  I don’t think anyone left hungry.
Apologies for the confusing start of the grinders, but as someone predicted, after a lap or so, everyone figured out how it worked.  Thankfully, we had a number of men that was evenly divisible by 3.
T-claps to Dora for helping encourage and educate.
T-claps to High Tide, too, for bringing enough extras for all the non-KB-owning PAX to have one.  (We won’t mention his post-COT arrival.)
This has got to be the most humid morning of the year, but we didn’t lose anyone, which speaks volumes to the men who came and pushed their limits this morning.  Outstanding work by everyone.
Have a great holiday weekend.

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Swiss Miss author

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7 years ago

Great beat down a good way to celebrate my 2th year with f3

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