Bagpipe- To Hellas and Back

  • When:5/10/2016
  • QIC: Pebbles
  • The PAX: checkpoint, bucky, blades of glory, loogie, mr bean, outback, champagne, Eric (FNG posh), triple 7, fallout, go daddy, paper jam, pulp fiction, ringer, market timer, wingman, mic check, one niner

Bagpipe- To Hellas and Back

It was great to see such a strong showing at Bagpipe.  I noticed that my Q announcement did not get re-tweeted by the SOB handle….so that may of had something to do with it.


Indian Run up Ben Evers.

I think that’s what it’s called. I can’t ever tell because half of the guys in SOB land are still trying to graduate from their first  ESL course.

The Thang

Mosey over to the crater introduced to by Tuck during the brave a few weeks ago.  I am unsure if it has a name, but I propose Hellas, after the Hellas Impact crater on Mars.  Much like the crater and (mario’s weekends), there a multiple routes into some deep, deep holes.

The PAX ran down into the crater, completed 10 merkis and 20 squats at the bottom, and then ran up.

The group only completed two laps before we had to head back.

On the way back we completed squats, merkins, jump squats, and bomb jacks.


YHC misjudged the distance to the crater and as a result the workout ended with a fairly high mileage (~3.8).  I am sorry to those that aren’t comfortable running that distance, but appreciate your putting up with it anyway.

I really was great to see such a strong turnout and meet an FNG.  I am really looking forward to the spring and summer of 2016.



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