The Meathead Gods Smiled on Us

  • When:04/07/16
  • QIC: Voodoo
  • The PAX: Brown, Witch Doctor, High Tide, Blazing Saddles, Fletch, Destiny, Mad, Voodoo (QIC)

The Meathead Gods Smiled on Us

YHC showed up in the parking lot with about 30 seconds to spare to find that 8 pax ignored Cantore’s prediction for 80% chance of rain and showed up at Meathead this morning. The beatdown was adaptable, but YHC didn’t want the pax tearing up their moist mitts on the swings and snatches. For those of you not paying attention, this beatdown strongly resembled the one YHC delivered at Foxhole on Monday. #nopointsfororiginality


  • 20 x SSH IC

The Thang:

Circuit 1:

  • 10 x 1H swings on the weaker side
  • 10 x 1H swings on the stronger side
  • 5 x C&P on the weaker side
  • 5 x C&P on the stronger side
  • 5 x deadlifts

Overhead carry to the far median and back, switching arms at the turn.

Repeato 4 more times for a total of 100 swings, 50 C&Ps and 25 deadlifts. Mix up the carries, some of which were to the middle median.

Circuit 2:

  • 10 x high pulls on the weaker side
  • 10 x high pulls on the stronger side
  • 5 x snatches on the weaker side
  • 5 x snatches on the stronger side
  • 5 x goblet squats

More carries to the middle or far median, with pax choice on some carries

Repeato 4 more times for a total of 100 high pulls, 50 snatches and 25 goblet squats.

Still some time left, so the Q called for Byron’s KB flow, where the pax start swinging and the Q calls out new exercises and the pax move into them “in the flow.” This was meant to last a few minutes, but was actually less than a minute due to Q smokage.

High Tide called for lawnmowers, so we did 10 per side.

One minute left, so 2H swings until Q calls time.

COT: Thanks to Destiny for the take out.


When YHC saw that High Tide had the Q for this week after leading about 2 weeks ago, I DMed him and offered to take it. If you enjoy a site, please sign up to Q it. F3 only works if everyone contributes. Sign up link for Meathead can be found here.

This workout seemed “popular” at Foxhole and there’s little to no overlap in the pax, so it was brought out again (with some slight modifications for weather, 0.0 and AO features). All of the pax were pushing hard today and I hope they got their money’s worth. If not, Brown and High Tide will offer a refund after next week’s workout.

As mentioned in my Foxhole backblast, the point of this beatdown is low reps with good form and pushing yourself on weight. If you were flying through the circuits and are swinging a bell weighing less than 24 kg/50 lb., it might be time for a gut check. Stepping down on the presses makes sense, but the ballistic exercises (swings, high pulls, snatches) require more weight. If you want to try out a bigger bell before buying, please ask around for extras.

Brown gave YHC the inspiration for the backblast title and was swinging and carrying some big bells. I think he did the deadlift with two 24kgs. #oldschoolstrong

Witch Doctor was swinging a sweet new 24 from Muscle Driver (#RIP) and was looking good out there. Pressing a 24 is no joke unless you’re Busch or Brown.

High Tide pulled out the 32 for a few rounds of something (it was dark out there), which is always impressive. YHC has one at home that I don’t think I’ve picked up yet. #settinggoals

Blazing Saddles has been a regular at Meathead at least since YHC stopped fartsacking on Thursdays and made a triumphant return a 4-6 weeks ago. He’s getting stronger and form is improving. I smell a Q in his future…

Fletch was Fletch. He flew through the exercises with ease despite using a bell that’s probably half his body weight. I think we should take up a collection to buy him a weight vest and a bigger bell to bring him down to human levels.

Destiny continues to post regularly and get stronger and stronger. He’s showing good form and might be ready for a bigger bell. #hinthint

Mad was working hard on there while still getting the movements down. Keep posting, brother. It doesn’t get easier, but you’ll get stronger (and eventually get a bigger bell).


  • Witch Doctor will be Q at OlympAscent on Saturday at Old Providence Elementary. He’s promised some gear and he’s been crushing six packs of F3 workouts for months, so I’m sure he’s going to bring it.
  • YHC and High Tide are trying to organize an F3 “custom” StrongFirst kettlebell clinic. We need at least 5 pax to get it scheduled, so please reach out to one of us if you’re interested. The cost is $299 for an 8 hour course and the details are here. We plan to add the clean and snatch to the curriculum to cover the most common F3 exercises.
  • If any of the Meathead pax are looking for another gear workout earlier in the week, please consider Foxhole. It meets at Elon Park Elementary in SOB land on Mondays at 5:30. It’s a bit of a drive from Elizabeth Lane, but it’s a great AO with a strong group of pax. Even if you can’t make it there regularly, the site Qs (Loogie and YHC) would welcome any offers to Q. Sign up genius link is here. #shamelessmarketing
  • F3 Dads Night with the Knights: The Boys of Summer are taking the field and F3 Dads will be there in force on Saturday May 14th. Load up the 2.0s and leave mom with a good book and a bottle of wine as we kick off the Summer of Sixteen at BB&T ballpark. We have a large block of tickets reserved for the game against our cross-state rivals the Durham Bulls.Tickets are on sale now through April 28th! Pre-blast link here.

About the author

Voodoo author

Area 51/SOB, Meathead co-site Q

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High Tide
8 years ago

Thanks for the Q-jack, Voodoo. This was a workout after my own heart, and I didn’t have to plan & lead it to “enjoy” it!

I echo your Moleskine calls for Q signups. A broader pool of Q’s makes it easier and more interesting for everyone. Who wants me to Q all the time???

Blazing Saddles, I was also thinking of you yesterday as ripe for a future Meathead Q… Let me know, or just sign up.

Definitely, let me know if you’re interested in the F3/SFG KB clinic. Should be awesome.

Finally, I’m in for the F3 Dads/2.0 night at the Knights. Already bought tickets.


8 years ago

The circuits definitely snuck up on us, shoulders are fried. Enjoyed the kettlebell flow as well. Thank you for leading

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