The highest of the high intensities, probably hit ludicrous intensity

  • When:02/10/16
  • QIC: Bushwood
  • The PAX: McGee, Lobstah Roll, Hairball, Van Pelt (Respect), Blades of Glory (Respect), Starfish, Utah, Mermaid, Squid, Rachel, Pop Tart, Boutique, Utter "Flat Tire", Lorax, Bushwood

The highest of the high intensities, probably hit ludicrous intensity

Anvil has new managers: McGee, who talks more than anyone and has a short neck #mutuallyinclusive, and Lobstah Roll, who never talks and runs an IT company but doesn’t understand the twitters #howdidyougetthatjob. It really is a perfect match of AO site Q’s. The original plan was to run to the Day Zero AO where 1) it is the place were the high intensities are located and 2) there are FIA chicks who work out there on Wednesdays. But I nixed it. Instead, we found some intensities at Anvil. Huge tracts of intensities.

7’s on entrance 3: Diamonds at bottom, Wide Arms at top
–LBC’s and Flutters (x 25/each)

11’s at concession stand: Derkins/Dips

11’s at concession stand: Jump-ups/Monkey HUMPERS
–Mountain Climbers x 20

Ladder at entrance 4: Burpees at top (10, 8, 6, 4, 2)
–Freddy Mercury x 25

Ladder at entrance 3 lights:
–Round 1: Merkins (5, 10, 15, 20)
–Round 2: Squats (5, 10, 15, 20)
–Round 3: Peter Parker Merkins (5, 10, 15, 20)
–Round 4: Monkey HUMPERS (5, 10, 15, 20) #feelthebern

AYG back to base

Lobstah complained about not having a warm up. Sorry. It was too cold to stand around, so the 7’s at entrance 3 was the warm-up. You’re welcome. Also, no disclaimer. My B. Totally forgot that one.

McGee was feeling the Bern on the Jump-up/Monkey Humpers 11’s. Not sure why, but the humpers hurt. Also, not sure why Bernie is steamrolling Hillary. All of America (Dems only) are feeling the Bern. What if Bernie did Monkey Humpers on stage? #mindblown

Utter got a flat tire after the 7’s. A real flat tire. He displayed his NASCAR pit crew skills to change a flat during the 11’s and reengage the crew at entrance 4. It was impressive to say the least.

Good to see the security guard keeping a watchful eye over the pax cars. The last time the security guy showed up at my Q at Anvil, he kicked us off the parking lot “road”. I feel fortunate that we had a relatively tame workout. Expect for the hugeness of the intensities though.

Lostah Roll is required to purchase and read “Twitters for Dummies”. #shamereading

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Bushwood author

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8 years ago

Good one Bushwood. Strong start and continued high intensity. Good call for the conditions.

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