
  • When:01/05/16
  • QIC: Soft Pretzel
  • The PAX: Slum Lord, Outback, Madamme Tussaud, Pebbles, Philmont, Paper Jam, Triple 7 (respect), Chipotle, Turnpike, Brisket, Morning After, Cable Guy, JR Tolken, Soft Pretzel


14 SOBs arrived in the gloom this morning at Bagpipe.  YHC has a couple winters under my belt so I’ve felt some colder mornings…. although not many.  Kudos to the PAX and extra respect for those who did a pre-run at 5.  (YHC was not among them so I can’t name names)

The Thang:

Mosey a ways at a brisk pace to get warm.  COT: 25 SSH IC, 20 low, slow squats, 10 merkins IC.

Mosey another ~1/4 mile and circle up again (or muddle up as it were.)  10 merkins IC, hold plank, then elbow plank, back to regular, 5 merkins IC.  10 jump squats. 20 dollies IC, hold 6 inches, 20 flutters IC.

Mosey to the pond and get in groups of 3.  P1 runs the hill x 3 while P2 and 3 do parnter decline merkins.  Rotate when runner gets back until all 3 have run then do 1 lap around the pond.  Audible at this point because the grass hill was a mess so we went back to the parking lot for sets 2 and 3: same thing but run backwards up the parking lot slope for set 2 and forwards for set 3.

Start the slow trip back.  In between moseys we did: 1.)20 lunges + 5 burpees.  2.) 20 broad jumps 3.) 20 merkins 4.) run backwards length of 1 lot 5.) various planks.

Circle up one more time for burpees alternating with different Mary exercises then take it back.  While waiting for the six, Pebbles led us in flutters with hands held up ( a nice variation).

Moleskine: PAX were mostly too cold for a lot of chatter.  Special respect goes to Triple 7 -my decline merkin partner who was repping them out at a great clip.  Good to see Philmont back in the Gloom and thanks to Outback for watching the Six.

Announcements:  Absolutely none. Everybody just wanted out at that point and we balled it up.

A pleasure as always to lead.  Please talk to me or Outback if you would like to Q Bapipe in the coming weeks as we have several openings.

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Soft Pretzel author

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