Loose Affiliation

  • When:11/19/15
  • QIC: Honey Bee
  • The PAX: Haggis, Long Haul, Outback, Gumbo, Mall Cop, Wolfman, Honey Bee

Loose Affiliation

5 men gathered at 5:15 in the parking lot of the 4-mile creek greenway.  2 other men (Mall Cop and Wolfman) gathered at an unknown time in the parking lot of Trader Joes and ran an unknown distance.  We will still count them in our numbers although we got the distinct impression they were distancing themselves from us or getting closer to the RFYL crowd.  We will have to find out which sometime.

The original 5 left promptly doing a 1 mile warmup then proceeding to run.  Haggis talked a few into a Bratwurst inspired dynamic leg stretch routine and then bounded off into the darkness.  He kept up this breakneck pace the rest of the workout.  With this and his 2nd place finish in this last weekend’s Spartan race, he is upholding the Haggis #legend status.

Gumbo was on a respectable pace as well this morning.  Even though he says he is not training for anything, the miles he is putting in must be for something.  Either that or he is just crazy.  He is getting faster though, so what ever race he is not training for, doesn’t stand a chance.

Outback is looking strong after the Thunder Road Half and in preparation for the Kiawah Full in less than a month.  He will have no trouble knocking out a quick 26.2 in December.

Long Haul is back after his 6 week surgery recovery.  It is tough getting back to it after that long off, but he is making it look easy.  Learning of the 2.0’s 1:22 half marathon leads YHC to believe it will not be long until LH is running some serious miles with quickness.  #goodgenes

As always, it was great to run with you guys this morning!

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Honey Bee author

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