First frosty morning of the fall this AM, and sixteen men met it at DMZ. Not an FNG in site (intentional), so no disclaimer.
Steinbrenner ran the arduous distance in, and was late, so we jogged to meet him. Abrupt U-turn upon reaching him, and short mosey to church’s new pavement for warm up.
SSH x 20 (first cadence fail), LBCs x 35, Mountain Climbers x 20
Mosey down to short halfpipe on Broad Hollow and partner up. Partner 1 runs to stopsign at Kimblewyck while Partner 2 runs to stop sign at Thornridge. Run back to your partner and each partner does 10 dumbocrats and 20 WW2 situps. Total of four times doing the exercises.
Mosey up to the stop sign at Broad Hollow for 7s on the hill. Jump squats at the bottom and Jump lunges at the top. Oh, and run backwards uphill. Russian twists by Swiper (who finished first and boasted of his NFL DB exploits) while waiting on the six.
Mosey back to the church, gathering in the overhang / rotunda / low wall area for a trip down the dip / derkin ladder. 10 dips IC, 10 derkins IC, 8, 8, 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2. Quite a few failures with cadence here. #halt
Mosey down to the bottom of the parking lot and circle up for some mary. LBCs, Boone LBCs (R/L), Flutters. Partner wheelbarrow up the parking lot to the 2nd median, switching as needed, and then mosey back to base for COT. SG with the takeout.
First, Cobains for the belated, for me, backblast. I normally try to knock these things out in the morning, but it was a crazy day. Bit of a blur, actually, so I may have left a lot out.
Second, Cobains for posting with what felt a lot like strep. I had Semi-Gloss teed up to substi-Q, and I know what you’re thinking…Why? And the answer is that Bushwood was in jet lag zone and didn’t respond, and phone sorting rules are wierd, but B comes before E. It was pretty comical seeing someone physically move to the other side of the circle upon hearing that. Also got some laughs when I mentioned that Pothole, lucky partner today, was good since he was wearing gloves (non-surgical).
Third, Cobains on the cadence fails. First one was all loogie, and it just got lodged in there. Gross as that is to read, it was worse to experience #TMI #begladnotFW #beads #neverforget. That dip / derkin descent was unplanned, and came off as such. Wow.
Fourth, former Mr. Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain would have been 48 today, if he were alive, which is kind of crazy to picture. Today is not the date of his birth or anything, but yeah, he’d still have been 48 today, which I just looked up and provided a decent, curiosity-inducing title.
Overall, little bit lower mileage today with some merkins, leg work, and core work. Good to see Checkpoint back at DMZ. Hope all got their money’s worth.
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