Pre-blast – The Urologist

  • When:11/17/15
  • QIC: Kirk
  • The PAX: Any and all

Pre-blast – The Urologist

I think I killed the backblast last week with my comment.  There was an A51 meeting of site Qs last Saturday, and one of the observations was that the workouts need to be harder.  Not posting on twitter that ” [insert Q this week] is a total badass and his workout will totally kill you” harder, or as I recall TR so eloquently put it, “he’ll cut your balls off, feed them down your throat, and you’ll never have children again.”  No, not that, but actually physically harder.  Expect and demand more, push people beyond what they think they can do, and encourage them (which can take a lot of forms) to do it.

Partnership adds a layer of accountability.  You can’t slack off without hurting your partner.

Another observation of mine, and one reason I think the original WIB is so successful, is the chatter, the 2nd F, the so-called glue that keeps guys coming back.  So we’ll be in pretty tight quarters for most of the workout tomorrow.  We’ll try to have the tunes going to keep it light.  Here is the plan:

Partner up and run the mile to HT and back to OP.  Mosey to the playground at the back of the school.

Partner 1 does 10 pullups, 20 dips, and squats until partner returns.  Partner 2 jumps the baseball fence (careful, or you may end up at the Urologist) and does 40 LBCs at home plate.

When partners meet, 5 dumbocrats each.  Then flapjack.

Lather, rinse, and repeat until 6:06, then run the mile to HT and back.


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Kirk author

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