No Burpees, No Problem

  • When:10/14/15
  • QIC: Abacus (WD)
  • The PAX: Boerewors, Deep Dish, Fragile, Dead Lift, Shock & Awe, The Bus (FNG - Brian K.), Bogo, Sergio (FNG - John L.), Gummy

No Burpees, No Problem

10 men showed up at Calvary Church for another weekly edition of The Rock.  With Chelms having double booked Qs for this Saturday, YHC stepped in to take the Q here while the old man took the reins down at Day Zero.  Had 10 of us at The Rock and only 6 up the road.  Enough said.

Welcomed 2 FNGs as we gathered around the VSF and the proper F3 disclaimer was given before we headed out on our tour of the grounds.  Started off with a nice easy run through the vast parking lots, while mixing in some high knees and butt kickers, before circling up in the parking lot back near Entrance 4 for the COP:

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IW x 25 IC
  • Squat x 20 IC
  • MC x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 15 IC

Made our way over to the top of Entrance 4 where we would begin the serious work.  For those of you who have visited Calvary for The Rock or Anvil, you are familiar with the nice hill at Entrance 4.  Instructions were given for 11s here, with Prisoner Squats at the bottom and LBCs at the top.  Thanks to Gummy, co-site Q, for the reminder to watch for cars entering and exiting at Entrance 4 while we were making our way up and down the hill.  Had a few brief interludes as several congregation members/volunteers made their way in and out of the church grounds.

Once we completed the 11s, the leaders assumed the Plank position until the 6 finished.  Didn’t have to wait long as we had a strong group this morning.  Quick series of RHH, RLH, LHH, LLH & 6 inches before we headed just up the driveway to find a nice lifting rock.  Headed over to the parking lot with our rocks and lined up for a little arm and shoulders work:

  • Curls x 15 IC
  • Rock Presses x 15 IC
  • Goblet Squats x 15 IC
  • Set the rock down and run down to the island and back
  • Rinse & repeat x 2  (10 reps IC/2 down and backs Rd 2, 5 reps IC/3 down and backs Rd 3)

Return the rocks to their resting place and time to continue our tour of the AO.  Calvary grounds offer a lot of terrain to cover with a nice variety of options.  We headed across the parking lot towards the Church and then down to the base of North Face.  With my normal Saturday post being Area 51 at McKee Rd Elementary, wanted to make sure we hit NF this weekend while I was visiting.  PAX lined up along the base of NF and instructions were provided as follows:

  • 15 Jump squats
  • Climb North Face
  • 15 CDD at the top
  • Run up around the trees and back around to the base of North Face
  • Plank and wait for the 6
  • Rinse & Repeat x 2 w/ Plank at the top after Rd 3 of the CDD

Once everyone completed Rd 3, we made our way over to the Hot Box near the soccer fields.  With the church getting set for another Saturday of soccer games, the PAX were excited to find a nice selection of snacks set out on a table near the concession stands.  No time to enjoy though as we had work to do.  Time for a little circuit work with a nice little run after each round.  Completed the following:

  • 15 Jump Ups/Step Ups
  • 15 Dips
  • 15 Decline Merkins
  • Run out to home plate and back
  • Rinse & repeat x 2 w/ People’s Chair mixed in after each Rd for good measure

Few minutes left, so we headed back to launch point for some Mary:

  • Dolly x 20 IC, hold’em 6 in
  • Flutter x 20 IC, hold’em 6 in
  • Back Scratcher x 20 IC
  • Russian Twist x 20 IC



  • Found out on Friday morning at Centurion that Chelms was double booked to Q on Sat at The Rock and Day Zero.  With their Hatfield and McCoy feud, no chance they were going to converge so Chelms recruited YHC to take the lead at The Rock.  Thanks for having me and letting me Q.  It is always an honor and a privilege.
  • Welcome to our 2 FNGs, Sergio (John L.) and The Bus (Brian K.).  Both handled yourself well for your first workout with F3.  Sergio joins our ever expanding list of pastors in Metro/Area 51.  He is a missionary minister headed to Spain in a few months.  The Bus, a Penn St grad and Pittsburgh fan, is an attorney here in Charlotte.  Welcome and we look forward to seeing you out at other workouts in the region.
  • Strong work from Dead Lift this morning.  Seemed to always be near the front and pushing it hard.
  • Gummy had a old leg injury flare up on Wednesday.  Gave it a go at the start on the runs, but ended up substituting extra exercise reps while the PAX were running or climbing North Face.  Good example of modifying when necessary.  Found alternates for staying engaged in the workout.  Apologize sort of for the running, but only following instructions of 2.5-3.0 miles for a normal Rock workout.  Looks like we clocked between 2.7 and 3 miles this a.m.  My Runtastic App had us at 2.0 miles before my phone battery died (possibly due to cooler weather) and Shock & Awe clocked us at 2.7-2.8 miles on his Garmin.


  • Area 51 X-mas party scheduled for 12/12/15 at Sardis Swim & Racquet Clubhouse.  See weekly e-mail for Pre-blast.
  • Joe Davis Run scheduled for 01/09/16 in Fort Mill.  5K & 10K options.  Link to sign-up can be found here:  Indicate F3 as the team when you register.


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Abacus author

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9 years ago

Good classic Rock workout by Abacus – 11s on the entrance hill, North Face, rocks, sweat box. Meat and potatoes. Good to see two FNGs on one day. The Bus was the victim of “my husband does F3 – you should go with him” conversation. Our wives make us better. Sergio just showed up on his own, then was out front for most of the morning. Good stuff.

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