Mixed Up Speed

  • When:11/10/15
  • QIC: Bratwurst
  • The PAX: Tuck (Swift FNG), Joker (Swift FNG), Honeybee, Bratwurst, OneNiner, Chipotle, missing 3...

Mixed Up Speed

Tuesday at 0515 saw men from the Ballantyne area make a serious effort to mix up their speed a bit.  Here’s what we did at F3-Swift.

The Thang:

  • Early crew at 0500 got in some miles
  • Picked up the PAX at 0515 for some extended warm-up down to Rushmore Dr. Dynamic warm-up done.
  • 4x200m at R-pace (1mile Race Pace) w/ 200m jog recovery – all along Rushmore Dr. with cones marking 200m
  • Mosey over to the Bull Ring for the next section
  • The plan next was for 3x3minute at I-pace with 2minute recovery, but YHC watch confusion led to us do 3min, 2:30min, 3:30min, 3:00min.  Yes, you got more intervals than we should have.  Thank me later.
  • Mosey back over to Rushmore Dr for closing 400m at R-pace.
  • Head back to the vine at 2nd F pace for COT


  • Great seeing Swift continue to go with FNGs from Bagpipe cross-overs (Tuck) and imports from elsewhere in Area51 (Joker).  Perhaps the stigma of running will continue to change as the PAX get questionable instruction from YHC, but have the encouragement and challenge of other PAX to do it with.
  • Knowing the 200m are right in the Joker wheelhouse, not surprising to have him lead the PAX.
  • OneNiner continues to close the gap to the leaders and was impressive on the 3min intervals.
  • HoneyBee was cruising in prep for the Thunder Road 26.2 (in which he ran a super-fast 3:10 marathon by the way).
  • Chipotle is showing huge progress.  Hope that he and others come out to the Joe Davis Run for a true test of fitness in January.
  • Unfortunately, this was more than a few days ago, and the memory is fading.  YHC thinks that there is probably a New Years Resolution at the top of the list…


  • 3rd F Timekeeper that follows Swift/Bagpipe continues with “You Never Marry the Right Person” next week.  Should be interesting…
  • JoeDavisRun – 1/9/2016 – 5K or 10K – https://joedavisrun.racesonline.com/

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Bratwurst author

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