I have the Q tomorrow for Devil’s Turn. We are going to explore new territory for Devil’s Turn but old stomping grounds for some of us. The plan is to leave at 5:15 sharp. No waiting on stragglers (Mr. Brady). We are going to go south on Rea towards I 485. We will do a warm run to the I 485 overpass. We will do some quick Brat inspired stretches and to the main event.
Since Strawberry made a vail challenge we are going to accept. We are going to do a couple of flybys to keep them honest. The route is simple. Turn into Stonecrest shopping center and take a left on Elmstone Dr out to Ballantyne Commons. You run down to the Thornhill entrance on Ballantyne Commons which is Meadow View Run. Proceed through Thornhill up the Murderhorn back to the Stonecrest entrance where the Chick Fil A is. That is exactly two miles. The faster guys will do two laps and the goal of returning to the AO by 6:10ish. You go back the way you came down Rea.
Bring your vest and lamp if you have one.
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