Meet the Deck

  • When:11/10/15
  • QIC: Outback
  • The PAX: Morning After, Turn Pike, Wild Turkey, Soft Pretzel, Mildew, Fire Hazard, Chelsea, Mario, Madam Tussauds, 777, Go Daddy, Mighty Mite, Frehleys Comet, Heart Breaker, Beaker, Short Circuit

Meet the Deck

Apologies for the late post.

After a solid rain for most of the night before, actually most of the two weeks before YHC thought we would hit the parking deck.  Also right before the workout Frehleys had threatened rebellion if we got wet (this is F3 Frehleys and not some other type of workout that I cannot mention).

Disclaimer given and to start the proceedings we did 5 burpees in the car park, which received a little mumble charter.

Then we moseyed off in the gloom to the basement of the parking deck in Ballantyne Village.

The idea of the work out was to do 100 reqs (25 on each level – four levels in total and four time up) on the way to the top and jog back down.

The first set was a warm up, which included 25 mountain climbers, 25 merkins, 25 imperial walkers and 25 squats on the way to the top of the deck. Hold Plank at the top for the six  and mosey back down to the basement.  Hold peoples chair for next set of instructions in the basement.

The second set included 25 merkins, 25 diamond merkins, 25 wide arm merkins and 25 hand release merkins.  At the top hold Plank.  There was an attempt to a 6inch plank but the Q called it quits after a three count, give my arms were about to fall off. Mosey back down to the basement and hold peoples chair for next set of instructions in the basement.

Third set included 25 donkey kicks, 25 Carolina dry docks, 25 donkey kicks and 25 more Carolina dry docks.  Hold Carolina dry dock plank for the six. Mosey back down to the basement. Hold peoples chair for next set of instructions in the basement.

Forth set included 25 squats, 25 sumo (jump) squats, 25 squats and 25 more sumo squats. Hold the air chair at the top for the six, time running out so take the stairs back down and headed for home.

With two mins to spear and the ground wet it was time to hold plank until 6:15am.

This was a solid workout and not much of a six to speak of, very fit group this morning.  Very much enjoyed the lead.



Boys night out the Friday at Bradshaws.  Starts 8:30pm – See Tuck if you have questions.

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