The call was put out for PAX to bring kettlebells if they had them, I honestly didn’t know what to expect since there was a Panther’s game last night and wondered if I would be by myself.
Well, I should have more faith in the PAX, five strong men evaded the warm dry #fartsack for some fun with our bells.
The Thang
Hairband mile
Imperial Walkers x 10
Low Slow Squats x 20
Wind mills x 15
Arm circles forward x 20
Arm circles backwards x 20
Partner up for catch me if you can
P1 farmer carry kettle bells
P2 Called exercise, initially 10 merkins then catch up to partner
flapjack following the road around until you are at far end of fields (so about halfway point),
Circle up and do 50 kettlebell swings to allow PAX to regroup.
Continue to 3/4 point around this time LBCs are the called exercise
Circle up and 25 Tea Baggers/Sumo Squats
Continue back to cars with Carolina Dry Docks as the called exercise.
Grab your bells and mosey to park circle with the “Location of Future Artwork” sign
Stay with partners
P1 run to Carolina Courts building
P2 does called exercise
Round 1: KB curls
R2: Squat press
R3: Triceps
Enough running….
10 Merkins w/ right hand on bell
10 w/ left hand on bell
10 both hands on bell/diamond
Pick up your bells and mosey to cars
Flutter w/ kb press for extra credit x 20
Rosalita x 20
I think there was something else but #02dep has me forgetful
a few no name stretches
Happy to report Panthers are 7 & 0 and 5 PAX still got out of the fartsack for a solid beatdown. While my knee is not 100% it is close enough so this was not a 0.0 and moving around campus like we did carrying kettlebells made this a smoker! A few 10 counts were thrown in and at one point I thought we lost Turnpike, turned out he was walking on the other side of the cars possibly trying to keep from splashing Merlot? Just means he was putting in some hard work as everyone did.
I love the kettlebell because it adds so much to a workout. Nomad at one point said something along the lines of he didn’t realize it was such a torture device. Yes, yes it is, in a good way.
Glass Joe poked the bear and was not even there to take part in the fun, that’s ok. Notice this was called Headbangers Ball(bell) Pt.1
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Thanks to CT taking us out.
Always an honor to lead and now I want a nap… and some Advil.
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