Burn Baby Burn

  • When:11/02/15
  • QIC: Probation
  • The PAX: Chanel, Frehley's Comet, Soft Pretzel, Strange Brew, Wild Turkey (Site FNG), Probation (Q)

Burn Baby Burn

Posted on behalf of Probation…

6 full grown men showed up on a soggy gloomy morning to better themselves and get huge.

Modify when needed

Democracy rules, the Q had to modify his workout. No running today.

Slow Good Mornings x 20

Hand Slap Merkins w/ Partner x 20

Swings x 1 min
LBC x 30
Merkins x 20

Tiger Rag Curls x 1 min
Flutters x 20
Diamond Merkins x 20

Cleans x 1 min
High Knees x 30
Wide Arm Merkins x 20

KB Chest Press x 1 min
Burpees x 10
Merkins x 20

Preachers chair x 30 sec
Preachers chair w/ KB Press x 30 sec (good idea on paper, not so much)

Lawnmowers x 15 each side
High Knees x 30

Plank x 1 min
Diamond Merkins x 20

Form Groups Of 3 – Rotate 2 Times Through

Double KB Press x 15
Dead Stop Swings x 10
Alternating Arm Cleans x 10

High Knees x 50
Tiger Rag Curls x 50
LBC x 50

Great to see the Foxhole men aren’t scared away by a little rain. We quickly grouped and found the perfect shelter for some good ol’ fashion kettlebell work. Originally planned some running mixed in but torrential rain and slinging cannoballs around don’t mix well so we through in a bunch of other stuff to wear everyone down. Great to have Wild Turkey out to Foxhole for the first time and hope he continues to come out! Great effort by all out there, the regulars doing their thing and some of the new guys taking on more challenges.

Joe Davis run on 1/9
Area 51 Christmas Party is 12/12 at Sardis Swim and Racquet Club 7400 Thermal Rd, Charlotte, NC 28211. Save the date
Gladiator Games 12/12

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Chanel author

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