20/20/20 2.0

  • When:11/03/15
  • QIC: Busch
  • The PAX: Stonecold, Witch Doctor, Chum, Freedom, Destiny, Bulldog, Dollywood, Peacock (site FNG)

20/20/20 2.0

Work that was done:

Mosey to lower parking lot doing two handed KB push presses all the way with a midpoint stop for 20 Merkins

Partner up with someone of like speed

Major Set 1

20 Two handed swings
20 Snatches (10 each arm)
20 Lawnmower Rows (10 each arm)

After each set of three exercises – Race partner up, down, and back up hill – last one to the road bear crawls down the hill, winner does jump squats

Repeat x 3

Sprint/Race around the large greenspace/hill between parking lot and road.

Major Set 2

20 Racked Squats
20 Clean and Press
20 High Pulls

After each set of three exercises – Race partner up, down, and back up hill – last one to the road bear crawls down the hill, winner does jump squats

Repeat x 3

back to upper parking lot doing two handed KB push presses with a midpoint stop for 20 Diamond Merkins

Circle up

20 Clean and Press
30 Two handed Push Press
30 Two handed Bent-over Row

Ye Olde Moleskin:

The rain held off nicely and it was a great morning for a workout…Bulldog and a few others made it out even though they stayed up for the Panthers win. Not sure what the other normal crowd had as their excuses?? There wasn’t much chatter and the workout was more of a beater than I had planned…Bulldog decided to swap out Peacock’s (site FNG) 20 lb KB that Witch Doctor gave him for a 40 lb. Bulldog, as is the norm with him, called out Peacock’s manhood and Peacock took the bait. Peacock said about 15 minutes in that he was thinking Skunk Works would be his favorite F3 workout, but the 40 was doing it’s damage and he wasn’t thanking Bulldog for the kind gesture at the start of the workout…25 minutes into the workout Peacock had to be excused before his shorts exploded and he ran off to find relief. We all chose to give him fist bumps at the end and I made sure to sanitize my bell. A few name change ideas were thrown out, HC being one of them…which could have been deemed appropriate because of our workout locale (but at the same time very inappropriate so it was held off…your welcome TR), but he pulled himself back and finished well. Strong work to use a 40 for your first KB workout! Thanks for bringing him out Dollywood!

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