No Treats Available Here

  • When:10/31/2015
  • QIC: Gullah
  • The PAX: Bulldog, Retread, Ickey Shuffle, Gullah

No Treats Available Here

4 men made the wise decision to post at Olympus on this Halloween morning and discovered only tricks were on the menu as the treats would have to wait until later in the day.


IW x 20 IC

Merkins x 15 IC

Two-Hand KB Swing x 20 OYO

Good Mornings x 20 OYO

One-Hand KB Press x 10 R/L OYO

**Partner Up (like size bell) for Farmer Carry/CMIYC**

P1 carries KB/P2 x 10 merkin chasers, flapjack to hill in Greygate:

Round 1: P1 2-hand swings/P2 runs to bottom of hill for x10 squats, flapjack until 100 cumulative swings completed.

Round 2: P1 Goblet Squat/P2 runs to bottom of hill for x10 CDD, flapjack until x75 cumulative Goblet Squats completed.

Round 3: P1 Upright Row to 2-Handed KB press/P2 runs to bottom of hill for x15 Mtn. Climbers, flapjack until 100 of the KB movements completed.

Farmer Carry/CMIYC back to ELE parking lot with x10 merkin chasers

**Keep same partner for double KB sequence**

–3 sets of 5 double KB hard stop swings/P2 rest while P1 works, flapjack

–3 sets of 5 double KB hard stop cleans/P2 rest while P1 works, flapjack

–3 sets of 5 double KB snatch/P2 rest while P1 works, flapjack

Monster Mash:

3 rounds of:

x3 two-hand swing

x3 R/L 1-hand swing

x3 R/L Snatch

x3 R/L Clean & Press

x3 R/L Rack Squats

2 Rounds of x4 same movements/sequence as above

1 Round of x5 same movements/sequence as above

Finish up with some Mary:

x20 LBC’s IC

x15 Flutter w/KB Press IC

x10 Greg Louganis OYO

We’re done!


Great work men, only 4 in numbers, but a lot of great work done by all today. That low rep sequence towards the end was a lot harder than it looked on paper. Bulldog and Ickey Shuffle were strong as always, leading the CMIYC and YHC and retread put in some hard work bringing up the six. When it was just IS and I in the parking lot we were contemplating on whether or not to workout so thanks to Bulldog and Retread for showing up to make sure the workout was on as planned. Thanks men, for the support of Olympus. It was a pleasure to lead!

Announcements: Sign up for the Joe Davis Run to be held on Jan. 9th in Fort Mill

Thank you to Bulldog for a great prayer to take us out.





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Gullah author

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