1 day shy of Halloween and 15 men dressed up in full workout gear regalia at Centurion. Not very creative. We have seen that costume before. However, they all played the part very well. Here is how it went..
Warm-Up: SSH x30, FSSquat x25, IW x25, Merk x25, LBC x25, Fludder x25, Merk x25
The Thriller..
Brisk mosey to workout spot @ Carmel Business parking lot. Paused for 10 merkins.
4 stations spread through business park and grassy knoll
Station 1 – 90 degree jump squats, Station 2 – LBCs, Station 3 – Step-ups, Station 4 – Dying Cockaroaches (must say like scarface)
Repeat 3 times
Brisk mosey from parking lot to Aquatic center
Partnered up. PAX 1 – bear crawl to second light and run back. PAX 2 – 1 legged squats sundials touching the ground at 10, 12, 2 and 6. Alternate legs. Repeat 3 times
Back to home base. Complete
Another solid Q Red Rocks. Great job on both workouts this week. Way to step up and lead.
Enjoyed meeting Niles, Frasier’s brother, who made it known he is the better looking of the Morrow brothers. Funny, my brother Dory says the same thing. Must be a little brother thing. What do you say Abacus, you give Chelms that noise too?
Very enjoyable morning today with the men of Centurion. I have Q next week. Come back out for the Redemption Set. Chelms clearly indicated that BLIMPS was no Bermuda Triangle. How will the Redemption Set measure up?
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