The only thing light was the precipitation

  • When:10/27/15
  • QIC: Fletch
  • The PAX: Bulldog, Witch Doctor, Stone Cold, Arena, Destiny, Harley, Retread, Fireman Ed, Sanka, Pop Tart, Fletch (QIC)

The only thing light was the precipitation

11 Men found the Covenant Day Campus dry(ish) and cool on this dark dank morning. Turned out to be perfect conditions to punch the clock and get after it for 45 minutes. So that’s what we did.
Warm Up:
SSH x20 IC
20 Two Handed Swings OYO
IW x20 IC
10 Rack Squat with Press Each Side
10 Cleans Each Side
10 Snatch Each Side

Rack-em and mosey to the Fire Lane. Drop your Bells and Run a lap around the Perimeter (approx 1k).
Merkins while we wait

Partner Up with similar bells.
Crusher Combo – P1 performs 10 merkins on the Bell, P2 performs 10 T-Bag Squats FlapJack, 9 Merk, 9 T-Bag, continue to 1.
Sprints and Doubles
P1 Sprints to Rock and Back (Approx 100 yards) P2 Completes Double Bell exercise + 10 Merkins
5 Reps x 3 Rounds Each – with Plankarama Mixed in between called exercise
Exercises were as follows:
Double Swings
Double Alternating Shoulder Press
Double Rack Squat (crowd Pleaser)
Double Cleans
Double High Pull

Time did not allow for mary – finished right at 6:15

Moleskin – The weatherman must have frightened off some of the pax today as we had relatively low numbers at Skunkworks. The goal of the morning was to get in plenty of heavy lifting while keeping the pace up. Initial plan was to use the field for the sprints, but audibled for the fire lane due to smaller crowd – worked out pretty well with only limited dodge & weave during the out and back sprints. There were a few grumbles during the warm-up when we went from Squat Press to Clean to Snatch, but everyone pushed through as we have come to expect from this group. Nearly had to call search and rescue during the perimeter loop as Destiny’s whereabouts were in question. Turns out the savvy veteran took an alternate route and was waiting on the pax at the bells. The pax seemed very comfortable during the double bell sequence this morning – a testament to the effort that has been put in over the last few months. Time definitely flies when you’re having fun as the clock struck 6:15 before we could begin Mary. Your Car Seats are thankful we stayed dry this morning.
Announcement: Joe Davis Run 1/9/16 (5k and 10K options) Discount runs until 10/31

Grateful for Stone Cold taking us out this morning and for the opportunity to lead the men of Skunkworks.

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Fletch author

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9 years ago

Nice one Fletch. Delivered as usual. Good work by all

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