Defrost the Windshields!

  • When:10/19/15
  • QIC: Transporter
  • The PAX: Dasher, Kevorkian, Short Circuit, Comet & 2.0 Meteor, Frack, Dr. McStuffens, Transporter

Defrost the Windshields!

Warm Up:

50 SSH

40 Mountain Climbers

30 LBC’s

20 IW

10 Merkins

10 Merkins

20 IW

30 LBC’s

40 Mountain Climbers

50 SSH

OK..Warmed up now,,,

The Thang:

Mosey over to the Rock pile

20 Curl to Press in cadence

15 LBC W/ Rock in Cadence

10 Low Slow Squat in Cadence

Rinse and repeat

Mosey over to the front of the school for a quick people’s chair and then partner up

Partner 1 (10 Dips) while partner 2 does pull ups or bicycles on monkey bars until swap.  Rotate 9,8,7 etc until completion

Back to people chair (1 legs), partner up again

Partner 1 (10 Decline Merkins) while partner 2 does heels to heavens till swap. Rotate 9,8,7…Etc until completion

Back to People’s Chair mixing in Air press and 1 legs, Partner up again

Partner 1 (6 Carolina Dry docks) while partner 2 does up and overs on the monkey bars. Rotate 5,4,3 etc..

Quick mosey back to home base to finish right on time with a quick 20 Russian twists


The first frost quickly thawed through the warm up to warn off the Monday morning blues.  That being said, gloves are a must moving forward.  The crew worked out hard, Short Circuit continues to push himself and the 2.0 Meteor didn’t hold back either.  I was impressed by Comet who is working through a messed up arm, he didn’t stop and continued to do pull up’s while the rest of us moved on to bicycles.  Frack is a beast and Kevorkian worked out hard despite running 11 miles yesterday in prep for the Spartan race.  Dr. McStuffens is drinking the cool aid and has quickly made his mark in the pax.  Dash as always was the first back to camp with his speed!  I myself and so humbled by a group of men that refuse to sleep in, refuse to let life pass them by and clearly have a strong desire to better themselves physically and spiritually.  #Humbled #Inspired

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Dasher author

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