Seven men gathered at Dromedary Wednesday for a bootcamp workout a that was intentionally a little merkin heavy. Here’s what we did.
The Thang: One lap around the parking lot while waiting for Bananas to park and get out of his car. Then circle up for: 20 IW, 20 slow squats, 10 merkins, 20 MCs, 5 merkins (all IC).
Mosey to the small hill for Triple Nickel: 10 merkins at the top, 5 merkins at the bottom. Simple, effective.
Mosey around the building to the small wall. In groups of 3, P1 runs the hill, P2 does LBCs, P3 scales the wall over and back. Rotate and continue each time until the runner gets back. Next set – P1 runs, P2 flutters, P3 peoples’ chair. When finished, 20 merkins as a group.
Mosey back to picnic tables. 20 decline merkins, 10 step ups each leg, 15 DMs, 10 step ups each leg, 10 DMs.
Mosey to school entrance for Mary: 20 dollies IC, 20 Bicycle IC, 10 burpees OYO, 10 heels to heaven, 20 russian twist, 10 dying cockroach. 20 merkins.
Partner up for: P1 runs the parking lot hill and back, while P2 does squats. Repeato until time is up.
Moleskin: Small group but a good one. An honor to lead as always.
Announcements: Stay on the lookout for 3rd F including a new one Wednesdays at noon to be led by Simba and Purple Haze. More details to follow. Timekeeper continues Tuesdays after Bagpipe. Next book will deal with marriage.
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