Multiple Passes – Multiple Paces

  • When:10/01/15
  • QIC: Honey Bee
  • The PAX: Haggis, Frasier, Mr. Brady, MistaFlex, Marvel, Stump Hugger, Long Haul, Stone Cold, Huggy Bear, Honey Bee

Multiple Passes – Multiple Paces

Yes, this is the first backblast in a looooong time.  Cobains!  Besides writing timely backblasts, YHC also commits to learning how to Google calendar on Google docs or something like that.  Wing_Man will be so proud.

The 10 PAX at Devil’s Turn today decided the preblast didn’t sound so bad and showed up for a good time.  Stump Hugger chose wisely with his 2nd half marathon this weekend to take it easy and taper a bit.  We wish you the best on Sunday and hope your foot ailments subside before then.

The remaining 9 picked their way up Rea over jagged pavement, large mud puddles, and downed branches to arrive at the true “Danger Zone” between 51 and Colony.  While the sidewalks and ample biking lanes may not seem dangerous, the challenge of the day was.

The idea was 4 minutes hard (interval pace from Brat’s fancy calculator) and 3 minutes jog recovery for 4 to 6 miles (after the 1 mile warmup).  Haggis talked us into a dynamic stretching session also.

Once we began, the PAX spread out significantly even though some circling back was attempted.  Perhaps next time a different scheme could be used, but as-is it worked alright.  Hopefully everyone was within earshot or had the time on their watch to track on and off times.

Haggis decided to do his own thing and attacked his “metrics”.  As it sounded, he achieved the 6 mile tempo run metric, so that was nice.

Frasier nonchalantly pulled away on the hard 4 minute durations and graciously circled back during the 3 minute rest periods.  The man is fast.

Mr. Brady was in maintenance mode this morning due to his hamstrings having a conversation with him this morning.  Not sure what was said, but it seemed angry.

MistaFlex was back this week after a long time off.  We found out his wife had a baby and he thought it better for his health to take a break from the running to make the fam happy.  This was a good call my friend.  Happy wife, happy life.  We are glad to have you back though.  Marvel also was back out and they matched step for step this morning.

Long Haul and Stone Cold were pushing it hard this morning and looked to be satisfied with the format.  Long Haul will be out for the next few weeks due to having surgery next Thursday on his shoulder.  We will miss you out there but your swift recovery will be in our prayers.

Huggy Bear is one of the Devil’s Turn faithful now and making huge strides (literally and figuratively).  It is awesome to see the transition to a ‘runner’ and I would say he is officially hooked at this point.  Great to see you out each week brother.

Due to a late finish, the COT was abbreviated.  Great time brothers!  Thanks for the good morning.



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