Fartsack Friday? Never!

  • When:09/25/15
  • QIC: Soft Pretzel
  • The PAX: Mr. Bean, Outback, Mario, Wingman, Wild Turkey, Fire Hazard, Soft Pretzel

Fartsack Friday? Never!

The weather was not anybody’s friend this morning and on a Friday it would have been easy to call in sick.  But when YHC got out of the car this morning, the men of the Brave were waiting.  I mean, yeah, they immediately demanded to go to the parking deck, but they were there!  And with that, we headed for the deck.

The Thang:

Head for the basement and warm-up.  15 IW, 10 squats, and 10 burpees – all IC, 6 counts on the burpees.  Then start the repeat runs from bottom to top with a called exercise at each level.

#1 = 10 merkins per level, #2 = 5 jump squats per, #3 = 10 CDDs per.  Perform the exercise on the way down as well so 8 stops total.  The idea here is to simulate the mud run by doing a short pain station, then getting right back to race pace and covering more ground.

Next, 4 exercises where we go 3 pillars then run the rest of the length of the straightaway: bear crawls, lunges, broad jumps, more bear crawls.

Next, 3 sets of PAX choice Mary, a run to the top, 3 more sets, another run to the top.  Mary exercises were: Russian Twist X 21, Dolly x 21, Toe tap crunch x 20, Flutter x 20, Bicycle x 20 and… I forget what they’re called.  Mario or somebody else feel free to comment.

Then Peoples’ chair w/ 50 air presses, sprint one length and back. Then Balls to the Wall, sprint one length and back.  Finish with one more run up, 10 merkins per level.  Mosey back.

Ye Old Moleskine: Great to have this solid group of regulars out there today and it was an honor to lead.  One of the many examples of a workout I would not have gotten this morning if not for F3 and the power of iron sharpening iron.  Great job fellas.  YHC was surprised to keep having to think of more stuff to call.  The pace with which everybody was running the entire deck was terrific.

Announcements: Looking for Q’s at the various Ballantyne workouts.  Please reach out to Outback (Bagpipe), Fire Hazard (Brave), and Bean (Stonehenge).  For the guys who haven’t Q’d yet, if we don’t hear from you, you’ll be hearing from us!

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Soft Pretzel author

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