Denomination Stations

  • When:09/24/15
  • QIC: Booyah
  • The PAX: Insomniac, Happy, Volcker, Sensei(pre-run), Slim Fast(pre-run,) Geraldo, Smokey, Tang, Stay Puft(Respect)

Denomination Stations

Ten Gentleman of Suburbia rose before the sun visibly crested the earth for a morning of incredible excitement traversing downtown Matthews.


The Thang(I think that’s how this goes, I’ve never done this before.)


Run to Matthews UMC’s front yard since Tang doesn’t spend enough time at his place of employment, circle up.

x20 Side Straddle Hop

x20 Imperial Walkers

x20 Peter Parkers

x30 Mountain Climbers

x10 Slow Merkins


Run to Matthews Presbyterian where Slim-Fast asked for a factoid about the Presbyterian Church.  I told him I thought it was founded by John Calvin.  A quick interweb search tells me that’s wrong, but he did influence their founders greatly.)  Anyway ..

x20 Low Slow Squats

x10 One Legged Low Slow Squats each leg(lots of balance required for these which few of us had.  Smokey waited until we had three remaining before telling us it helps to focus on an object in the distance. Great tip for next time though.)

Slow Lunge Walk across the parking lot.  Instead of focusing on speed, we made sure we touched the gound on every step.  Seemed like a good idea at the start, less so by the time we reached the hedges lining Ames St.


Run to First Baptist Matthews, circle up in the parking lot for core work bonanza/a little bit of yoga


Iron Man

Air Plane

LBC-O-Rama consisted of 8 LBCs, 8 LBCs with legs at 90 degrees 8LBCs with legs at 90 with feet spread shoulder width apart and back down the ladder.

Rabbit stretches for the IT band followed by Runners Lunge for the Hips/Glutes


Check clock, we’re early.  Planned a lap around the campus but punted and headed for the bathroom wall for a short round of the People’s Chair with 50 arm presses

I don’t wear one of those fancy watches but I think we logged about 1.3 miles between Denomination Stations.



EOThirst October 4th at the Whitewater Center.  Some trail events along with speakers, etc.  More info here.

Mud Run is October 24th. Signups are extended through next weekend.  If you don’t have a team, it’s cool. Mermaid will help you find one.  Geraldo says F3 has a huge team and takes buses.  There was also something about a beer boat so if you like muddy dudes on a bus with beer you don’t wanna miss out on this one.

Happy is working on a new Union Co. AO.  They’re trying out Antioch Church Rd. Elementary with a target date the second or third week of next month

Keep Sensei and his family in your prayers.  His wife’s grandmother passed away Tuesday.

Drop Thrill having a health issue so please to the same for him.  See you soon DT.

Sensei is running a half marathon Sunday which he will absolutely crush.

Insomniac closed it up for us.  Thank you sir.


This was my first Q and I was pretty nervous so thanks to the PAX for going along with my offbeat plan. I look forward to the next episode which I promise will include a shorter BB.

Was great to have the regulars out there and to meet Happy who is indeed happy and Volcker who looks nothing like a federal reserve chairman.

Slim-Fast and Sensei logged a 3.1 mile pre-run at a 7:55 pace.

About the author

Booyah author

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8 years ago

Well Done Booyah! I was there at your first post and you have been working ever since. Great work.

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