CLYDE calls and the hunt begins…

  • When:07/02/15
  • The PAX: Sinsei (pre 5k), Slimfast (pre 5k), Header (pre 5k), DriveBy, BooYa, DropThrill (ruck), Insomniac, Geraldo (ruck), Dickens (FNG), TammyFaye (FNG), Tawny, SwissMiss, Freedom (YHC)

CLYDE calls and the hunt begins…

It was a cloudy morning @Peak51, the PAX were growling, scratching and awaiting the hunt for CLYDE that would take us Every Which Way But Loose and all over the place, well at least Matthews.


@5:29am,Matthews Elementary PL, the journey begins…

Mosey to back parking lot of FBC Matthews.

30 LBC’s oyo

Circle Up… preamble given for the 2 FNG’s and off we go.

Moderate run to Sadie Drive Park

Plank o Rama 60 secs/ recover

SSH x20, IW x20, LSS x15

Moderate Run to corner of Deer Creek and Clearbrook Rd

Plank o Rama, elbows, right/left leg high, regular, repeato, recover

15 Sumo Squats

Moderate Run to Greenway (Clearbrook Rd Entrance)

Moderate Run to StoneCity. (AKA Stonehenge on the Greenway)

Plank o Rama (thx Header), regular/6 inches x4. right/left leg high, x2, recover

Rock Work Supersets:

Incline Merkins x10

Step Ups x20

Dips x15

Plank o Rama


Plank o Rama, elbows, right/left leg high, regular x2

20 LBC’s oyo

Mosey to backside of Matthews Elementary on Greenway.

Hill Sprints:

Partner Up

Partner 1 – LBC’s

Partner 2 – sprint to the top of the hill and back (aprox 110 yds)

Repeato x2

Plank o Rama (thx Header), regular/6 inches, right/left leg/arm high, x2, recover


High Knee Skip uphill to Matthews Elementary Greenway Entrance (aprox 110 yds)


Mosey to Matthews Elementary

Peoples Chair/ 45 secs/ recover

Peoples Chair/ 30 secs/ YHC saw Geraldo Pressing Ruck and decided to blame him and called an audible of 30 air raises/recover

We finally spotted CLYDE in a near by bush, he looked lonely, so we asked him to join.

Peoples Chair/ 30 secs/ then pax passed CLYDE (36lb Kettlebell) up and down the line while doing a 1 inch lower position. X2/ recover.

At one point DT got a little to close to CLYDE and refused to give him up. YHC quickly amended the situation. (you’re welcome)

YHC hoisted Clyde and we all did a quick mosey back to parking lot for COT.

Thx to Slimfast for finishing with 4 mins of stretching movements.

Always an honor to lead !


Special props to Slimfast, Sinsei and Header for doing the pre-5k. Strong and fast. Also to Geraldo and DT sporting Rucks and working hard.

A Special Welcome to two FNG’s. Dickens and TammyFaye, both strong contenders and welcome to thePeak.

The flash of light at the beginning of the morning ended up just being Insomniac breaking every traffic law in Matthews to skid into the lot just in time. During a 10-count, about halfway through the BC, (in his 02 deprivation) we discovered that he can count forwards or backwards at any given time and in no apparent order but he did eventually land on zero… or was it ten??.

Great to have SwissMiss back at the peak. Strong as always.

For me, its always cool to see a tall guy out there working hard, Tawny was bustin it up.

Drive By, relatively new to F3, working hard and running fast. Welcome!

YHC thanks all of you for your hard work. YHC really tried to make things a little different but also challenge all PAX, wherever they are in their journey. Also, thx for working hard with YHC today BooYa.

Thx Header for taking us out.


Convergence, 7 AM @theRock  7-04

Southern Discomfort, Aug 1

Prayers for Sinsei and his family in the recent death of his Grandfather.

About the author

Freedom author

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Drop Thrill
8 years ago

Thanks Freedom for a great lead, and welcome to Tammy Faye and Dickens. Dickens used to be children’s pastor at my former church and we’ve played disc golf and other silliness, so it was great to see him join F3.

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