No room left in the parking lot

No room left in the parking lot

A new modern era record of 27 PAX showed up for the last Matrix of June.  I hope everyone enjoyed the cool weather, because I don’t think it will the case for the next few months.

After the disclaimer was given and O’Tannenbaum parallel parked at the end of the lot because there were no spots left, (we might need to install some HOV spots to encourage car pooling), off we went for a warm up lap around the school.

COP:  Some SSH’s, IW’s, and Merkins

The Thang:

  • Mile Run (3 laps around the school).  Finishers plank and LBC’s until the 6 comes in.
  • Mosey to rock pile to pick up a rock to lift with.
  • Line up along sidewalk.  P1 Exercises while P2 Runs to 2nd light post and back.  Flapjack until full set of exercises is complete:
    • Overhead presses x 100
    • Flutter with press x 100
    • Merkins x 100
    • Rock curls x 100
    • Lougainis x 100
  • Plank-o-rama in between.
  • Return rocks
  • Run another lap around the school and finish with 10 pull ups.
  • Done

El Moleskino:

So the time change from the west coast caught up to me last night and I had very little sleep and most of it restless.  Plenty of time though to think through the weinke for today.  Well that weinke had to get tossed as more and more guys came filing out of the dark.  I had a plan for 10-15 guys, but 27 required something a little different.  I wanted to get a little extra running in today and I think that was accomplished, even on the revised plan.  O’Tannenbaum did roll in late but in his defense he has gotten much more timely in the past couple of month’s so we can let him slide now and again.

Crabcake was concerned that I called for a Living Rock and not a Lifting Rock.  Not sure if he left his rock in the pile or took it home with him, either way, I am not judging.  Much.

Lots of guys flying around on the partner work, I should have increased the count from 100 reps as most of you were crushing that in 2 runs.  TR had enough left to overhead hoist his stone on the walk back to the pile.

Good to have Salt Lick making his way back into the gloom on a more regular basis.  I hope that back is treating you better.  The pull-ups at the end were a homage to your return.  The run before hand was just to separate everyone out because 27 guys don’t fit on that playground.  Lobster Roll, Back Office and Orange Whip were cruising on the last lap around the school.

Happy brought his two boys out as FNG’s Hello Kitty and Milky Chance.   If you wear a tank top with a cat on it to your first post then I guess Hello Kitty was the only choice.  Apparently Bryce is called Casper at school and on the football team.  We weren’t going with that and I know Spackler has been itching to use Milky Chance on someone, so there it is.

Convergence at The Rock on Saturday.

Centurion combines at The Brave on Friday.

Thanks to Uncle Si for the send off,




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Alf author