Great morning for a VQ at The Maul

  • QIC: Squid/Madame Tussauds
  • The PAX: Pop Tart, Triple 7, Loogie, parfait, Squid, Frehley’s Comet, Mic Check, Commish, Pebbles, Rip Curl, Tuck, Stone Pony, Haggis, Frazier, Chipotle, Heartbreaker, POP, Wingman, Tootie, Madame Tussauds

Great morning for a VQ at The Maul

20 SOB turned out for Squid’s VQ. Here’s what we did:

The Thang:

Warm up lap around the movie theater.

COP: SSH X 25, IW X 25, LBC X 25, 5 Burpees OYO

Madame Tussauds on Q:

Mosey over to the back wall of the movie theater and partner up. Partner 1 runs up the hill, does 5 burpees and runs back, Partner 2 does the does the called wall exercises, then flapjack – Wall exercises included, Donkey Kicks, People Chair with press, Balls to the wall press. Merkins when finished to wait for the six. Total of 5 rounds.

Backwards bear crawl up the hill, 10 CDDs and bear crawl back down the hill.

Crabwalk up the hill, 15 LBCs, run down the hill. 5 burpees.

Squid on Q:

Mosey over to the field and circle up for the following:

Toe tapers, Calf raises, Low slow squats, Reverse lunges with high kick  (each leg), Ninja squats, Jump squats , Ab scissors  (flat on back, right hand to left toe, and  left hand to right toe)

Scatter! Being attacked by fire ants! Mosey over to the parking lot and continue with:

Freddy Mercury  (changing pace as we go), Protractor  (90 degrees to 10 degrees ), Russian twists, Right arm Merkins, Left arm Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Jack Webb (regular Merkins followed bye air shoulder raises from our knees; will double the amount with each set)

6MOM: Heels to Heaven X 20, the can opener? X 30

Line up across the parking lot. 10 merkins sprint across the lot, 20 merkins-sprint, 30 merkins-sprint, 20 merkins- sprint



Great work Squid on your VQ! The full body workout really started to burn. This was a low running workout and a nice change of pace for The Maul. Some of you moves were new to The Maul and painful (eg. ninjas squats and Reverse lunges with high kick). It was also pretty creative to plan that ant attack in the middle of your Q.

Haggis showed up late to the workout, but came flying in like a gazelle being chased by a lion. Glad you could make it.

Shout out to Wingman for shooting up the hill on the crabwalks. Dude was fast.

POP was attacked by a few fire ants during Squid’s portion of the workout. Hopefully he will be okay. Just rub some dirt on it.

Frehley’s Comet brought his towel out again today, luckily he didn’t need to use it……….

Anyone seen Dolphin? He’s been MIA since Saturday.


F3 Dads Francis Beatty Park 9am

OBT and Dredd on Q at Stonehenge 6am on 7/25


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Madame Tussauds author

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