Homage to the Q’s

  • When:04/20/15
  • QIC: Pop Tart (VQ)
  • The PAX: Alf, The Mouth, Lobster Roll, Back Office, Prohibition, O’Tannenbaum, Joker, Arena, Coal Miner’s Daughter (Respect), Zombie, Squid, Hopper (Site FNG) Big Tuna (Site FNG), Bridges (Site FNG), Huggie Bear, Callaway, PopTart(Q)

Homage to the Q’s

Posted on behalf of Pop Tart:

17 PAX posted for my VQ, whether they did it on purpose or not, I will never know.  I wanted to pay homage to the Qs of my first post as one of the PAX and my first post at the Matrix, so I brought out some exercises that I discovered during those workouts, and added some of my own.  Below is what we endured.

The Thang:

Mosey around school with a quick trip down the hill through the woods.

Circle up and provide disclaimer.

25 SSH

15 IW

20 Merkins


Count off in 4s.

Mosey over to the front of the school for some track work and Four Corners. Tribute to Bridges for my first ever post.

Corner 1: 10 Burpees

Corner 2: 15 Lunges (Bear Crawl to Corner 3)

Corner 3: 20 Squats

Corner 4: 25 Monkey Humpers (OT’s favorites)


As a tribute to the Q for my first post at The Matrix, Alf, partner up and perform wheelbarrows in parking lot, flapjack halfway point.

Repeat back to other end.

Since we didn’t get enough running in nor any upper body work, we headed over to front parking lot for some  Dora.  Partner 1 runs a lap, Partner 2 exercises.

200 Merkins

200 Dips




10 Can Openers on each leg IC

30 seconds of recovery on your back




Total of 2.1 miles.

I really enjoyed my VQ, and the cadence is much harder than it looks.  Who would have thought counting to 25 doing SSHs was so hard.  I went ahead and showed my card early by announcing the reps before we started to ease the PAX into the workout.  I then realized my mistake, and kept the rep count to myself while trying to breathe.  Decided to stop at 15 IW to catch my breath.  Was great to have some of the original PAXs come out to support me.  Bridges, Big Tuna, and Hopper.  They were there for my first post back in December and drove all the way out close to the county line to partake in the fun.  Really enjoyed leading the PAX and I already have my ideas for the next one.


Announcements:  Sign up for golf.  Almost full and proceeds benefit the Leap.  Prohibition said there will be Jack and NoDa on the first hole, and maybe a little golf.


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Alf author

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