Ballantyne Parking Decks

  • When:2/6/15
  • QIC: Madame Tussauds
  • The PAX: Frazier, Patches, Uncle Leo, soft pretzel, Frehley’s Comet, Chiptle, Mr. Bean, Vuvuzela (FNG), Fire Hazard, Wild turkey, Wahoo (guest from Anderson, SC), Madame Tussauds

Ballantyne Parking Decks

12 frozen SOBs, including 1 FNG, assembled at 0515 at the Vine Restaurant at the Ballantyne AO to to prepare of the mud run on April 11. We covered 4 miles on the parking decks in Ballantyne. Here’s what we did:

The Thang:

We ran down Ballantyne Commons, east towards the premier parking deck.

COP – SSH X 15, Burpees OYO X 10, Merkins X 15

Run up to the top of the Premier parking deck and turn around to the back of the PAX and finish the run together. 10 burpees OYO.

Run 4 laps around the top level of the parking deck at your own pace, jumping two 5 foot walls each lap. 10 burpees OYO.

Head over to the far premier parking deck. Run up to the top level with stops for burpees and merkins on the way up. Divide up for work on the 8 foot wall. After technique instructions from the Q, each man take turns climbing the wall 2 – 4 times. Run down the stairs to the 1st floor of the first parking deck for the following ramp work:

Bear Crawl half way up the ramp, sprint to the top and wait for the 6, return to the bottom

Crab walk half way up the ramp, sprint to the top and wait for the 6, return to the bottom

Inch worm half way up the ramp, sprint to the top and wait for the 6, return to the bottom

Partner up, bear crawl half way up for under and overs, flap jack, sprint to the top and wait for the 6.

Run down the stairs towards the COT.

Frazier led 6MOM until 0615.



It was a cold 23 degrees, but the PAX warmed up pretty quickly. There was a lot of mumble chatter at the start of the post, but the PAX were quickly quieted when I announced we would be running up the whole parking deck without any rest.

YHC invited a buddy, Ricky (Vuvuzela), to The Brave after talking about possibly signing up for the mud run in April. I told him I could help in prepare for the run by posting at The Brave. I think Vuvuzela got more than he bargained for. The workout this morning was pretty tough. Vuvuzela did a little more running than he’s used to, but says he will be back out at Bagpipe on Tuesday.

Shout out to Wahoo visiting Area 51 from Anderson, SC. It was great to have you out brother!

Always a pleasure leading the men in the gloom.


Sign up for the F3 golf tournament this May.

Register by March 1 for the Spring Mud run and email your teams to Madame Tussauds at



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Madame Tussauds author

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Mike Seemullar
Mike Seemullar
9 years ago

Had a great time. Thanks for a great q and some new ideas to take back home

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