Trying to Stay Warm at Olympus

  • When:01/10/2015
  • QIC: Gullah and The Hoff
  • The PAX: Big League Chew, Yankee, Heartbreaker, Strawberry, Fletch, Mall Cop, Night Court (Kotter), Wolfman, Madison, Mighty Mite, Tiger Rag, Beaker, Gullah (QIC), The Hoff (QIC)

Trying to Stay Warm at Olympus

14 Pax showed up at Olympus and made an attempt to stay warm on a cold morning.

COP: led by The Hoff

Firehose CMIYC around track–each pax takes a turn pulling the firehose backwards while other pax do 15 merkins then run to catch man carrying the hose. Flapjack until all pax have a turn on the hose. Another round with each pax taking a turn carrying the hose while other pax do squats then run to catch man pulling the hose. Now we’re sort of warm..mosey to the parking lot for:

Gullah On Q:

Partner Suicides/KB work:

Partner up (KB size doesn’t matter). P1 does KB movement while P2 runs to each cone and back. Cones spaced approximately 5 yards/15 yards/20 yards. Reps are cumulative between partners. Keep flapjacking between running/KB work until all reps complete.

KB movements consisted of:

Two Handed KB swing x 200 reps (audible to 100 reps in the interest of time)

KB clean RH x 100 reps/KB clean LH x 100 reps(can use 2 KB’s if you have them)

High Pull RH x 75 reps/High Pull LH x 75 reps

Two Handed KB press x 75 reps

The Hoff on Q:

Goblet Squats with good form x 75 reps

Upright Rows x 100 reps

Circle up for Mary–led by The Hoff:

Stay with your partner and pull fire hose to end of parking lot and back. One guy pulls hose while partner jogs along side, flapjack when pulling hose back to starting point. Pax pulling  hose calls Mary exercise for pax circled up to do. Keep moving around the circle until each team has turn running the hose. some of the movements called: LBC’s, Snatch, Greg Louganis, Freddy Mercury, etc. I know TR called what looked like to be an interesting movement, but Hoff and I were pulling the hose and I can’t remember what it was.


Great work out there Saturday guys. I know it wasn’t what we typically do at Olympus, but the goal was to keep everyone moving as much as possible on such a cold morning so hopefully the goal was met. The suicides/KB work got bogged down at times so I’ll work on making that more fluid in the future. It was good to have site FNG’s Strawberry, Heartbreaker and Beaker out there, hope to see each of you back out soon. It was also good to have Night Court back after a few months off–strong work brother! TR and BLC both are working through injuries and did strong work. Yankee, Madison, Fletch, Mighty Might and Wolfman have been coming to Olympus on a fairly regular basis and killed it as usual. Mall Cop has been out several times now and always puts in the work no matter where he posts.  Thanks for supporting Olympus men. It’s an honor for The Hoff and I to lead. Great prayer by Night Court to take us out.



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