8 PAX launched into the Gloom on Tuesday morning at 0515 from the Ballantyne AO for the weekly dose of speed known as Swift.
Warm-up 0.95 miles (according to Strange Brew) to the Bull Ring before putting in another 0.25 mile with exercises (toes, heels, A-skip, B-skip, high knees, butt kicks, strides).
400meters at R-pace (1 mile race pace) then 400m jog recovery. Regroup the PAX after every 2 interval.
Repeato – up to 6x minimum and stretch to 10x based on time
Cool-down back to COT after 8th interval recovery, or optional 2x more intervals.
Total miles between 5 and 7.
Preblast at http://f3nation.com/2014/12/01/f3swift-preblast-joe-davis-countdown-1of6/ indicated that this is Week 1 of a 6 week progression towards the Joe Davis Run 5K or 10K. However, it’s not too late for anyone to join in the fun by jumping in next week or completing the workout OYO. Each week there will be guidelines, options based on 5K or 10K goal, and regrouping to keep the PAX together. Check the Preblast for full 6 week training plan.
Option for 5K race goal this week was to do at least 6 intervals. Most healthy PAX (“Ice up Son” goes out to Outback) completed at least 8. A few PAX looking towards the Joe Davis 10K did 2 more intervals on the way back to the COT for a total of 10 – didn’t leave time for them to cooldown, so that will have to be OYO some weeks as the intervals for those with longer goals may utilize all of the time.
Finding a mental groove at R-pace (check the preblast to get personalized pace) is important for this quick pace. While right now this may seem slow during the first few intervals, in order to get 2+ miles worth of intervals at this speed you will require consistency. The goal is building toward holding this speed for 800m (roughly 1/2 mile) multiple times through the workout. While we may not enjoy the consistent surface that a track brings, you’ll have to go on feel.
Abacus and his Wing_Man were rounding into a nice pack this morning. While pretty sure that Wing_Man has a new penchant for the running, Abacus just has that way of sneaking into nearly every Area 51 workout.
Strange Brew may have summed up his thoughts at COT when he announced to Bagpipe that “Swift Sucked”. While YHC is not sure how may crossovers we’ll get next week, at least they know they’ll get pushed. “Legs quivering” is about right…
The Commonwealth connection of Mr. Bean and Outback were back at it again. Not only did they physically push past the minimum suggested this morning, the fitness is getting better (when healthy) to lay the groundwork for surprising results. Now if Outback can only find some time to rest and get better – the 23 hours between workouts isn’t cutting it.
Honeybee was starting to get a hold of his new angry watch this morning. With a fresh loud bell signifying start/stop, Frasier was confused who (HB or Bratwurst) really had the right distance programmed. Now, as soon a HB can customize his infinite display screens on the new Garmin, he may figure out that he’s killing it out there.
If Frasier gets trapped in a car in a Montana snow drift later this week, at least he’ll know that he got a good workout in already. With less than 2 weeks to go before taking down another Personal Best at the Kiawah 26.2, the hay is in the barn.
Dromedary bootcamp workout tomorrow at Marvin Ridge HS from 0530-0615. Bratwurst is Q. Don’t expect a lot of sprinting, but plenty of core and upper body.
Devils-Turn running on Thursday. Headed to SCMS track for some extended Threshold pace running.
Area51 PAX needed to target the Joe Davis 5K as the “A” race of the day. At least 3 PAX at the workout today are targeting the 10K as their “A” race before running 5K with family/friends/PAX, but Area51 needs many strong finishers in the 5K as well. We should get JDR Coach Strange Brew to create some sort of secret spreadsheet with predictions of PAX participation and goals.
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